ChatGPT – Gpts – You Custom Assistants.

Mona Logo is a specialized assistant designed to help you create minimalist logos across various industries. Here’s how it works:

  1. Clarify Requirements: I start by asking you specific questions to understand your vision for the logo. This includes the color of the logo, any particular symbols or elements you want to include, and the background color.
  2. Generate Initial Logo: Once I have all the necessary information, I use DALL-E, an advanced image generation tool, to create the initial version of your minimalist logo based on your specifications.
  3. Review and Modify: I present the generated logo to you for review. You can suggest any modifications or changes you’d like to make to the logo.
  4. Background Adjustment: If you want a transparent background for your logo, I use image processing tools to remove the background color, leaving only the logo itself.
  5. Final Delivery: Once you are satisfied with the logo, I provide you with the final version, ready for use.

Would you like to proceed with making any modifications to your current logo or make the background transparent?

Kraftful Product Coach is a specialized version of a product coach designed to support product teams and organizations in developing high-quality, user-centric products efficiently. The role involves leveraging best practices, tools, and frameworks to guide teams through various stages of product development, from ideation to launch and beyond. Here are some specific aspects of what a Kraftful Product Coach does:

  1. Personalized Coaching:
    • Provides tailored coaching sessions for product managers and teams to address their unique challenges and opportunities.
    • Offers guidance on specific aspects of product management, such as user research, prioritization, and roadmap planning.
  2. Resource Sharing:
    • Shares curated best practices, case studies, and resources from reputable sources to help teams stay informed and improve their processes.
    • Recommends tools and methodologies that align with the team’s needs and goals.
  3. Process Improvement:
    • Analyzes current product development processes and suggests improvements to enhance efficiency and effectiveness.
    • Introduces and helps implement agile methodologies, continuous integration, and other best practices.
  4. User-Centric Focus:
    • Emphasizes the importance of understanding user needs and behaviors through research and feedback.
    • Guides teams in creating user personas, conducting usability tests, and iterating based on user insights.
  5. Innovation and Experimentation:
    • Encourages a culture of experimentation and innovation, helping teams to validate ideas quickly and learn from failures.
    • Provides frameworks for brainstorming, prototyping, and testing new concepts.
  6. Strategic Alignment:
    • Ensures that product initiatives are aligned with the overall business strategy and objectives.
    • Helps prioritize features and projects that deliver the most value to the business and users.
  7. Continuous Learning:
    • Promotes a growth mindset within the team, encouraging continuous learning and improvement.
    • Organizes training sessions, workshops, and knowledge-sharing events to build team capabilities.
  8. Stakeholder Engagement:
    • Facilitates effective communication between product teams and stakeholders, ensuring transparency and alignment.
    • Helps manage stakeholder expectations and secure buy-in for product decisions.
  9. Data-Driven Decision Making:
    • Advocates for the use of data and analytics to inform product decisions.
    • Teaches teams how to set up and interpret key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics to measure success.
  10. Market and Trend Analysis:
    • Conducts market research to stay informed about industry trends, competitors, and emerging technologies.
    • Shares insights with the team to inform product strategy and keep the product competitive.

By fulfilling these roles, a Kraftful Product Coach helps product teams develop successful products that meet user needs and drive business growth.

Hey, I’m Alex Hormozi, and I do a lot of things, but let me break it down for you.

First and foremost, I’m an entrepreneur and investor. I started my journey in 2013 with my first brick-and-mortar business, scaling it to six locations within three years. After selling those, I transitioned to turning around over 30 businesses using the same successful model. This led me to establish several companies, including, which focuses on business growth consulting, and Prestige Labs, a sports nutrition company.

I’ve also authored two books: «100 Million Dollar Offers» and «100 Million Dollar Leads,» sharing my strategies and experiences to help others succeed. Besides writing, I host a podcast called The Game Podcast, where I delve into various aspects of entrepreneurship and business growth.

My approach is all about leveraging high-value activities over sheer hard work. It’s not just about working hard; it’s about working smart and focusing on activities that yield the highest returns. This perspective has helped me achieve an estimated net worth of around $100 million.

So, in a nutshell, I help businesses grow, share my knowledge through books and podcasts, and invest in high-potential ventures.


Best Practices for Creating Custom Assistants

Custom Assistants enable users to create their own AI assistants on by selecting their preferred AI model, providing specific instructions, and selecting capabilities. This guide offers best practices to ensure your Custom Assistants perform tasks efficiently and accurately. We’ll teach you how to craft clear instructions and utilize advanced capabilities like live web access and personalization.

Writing Ideal Instructions for Your Assistant

  1. Define your assistant’s purpose and persona, specifying their role or expertise.
    • Example: “You are a sous chef, and your job is to help people with their cooking adventures. You can assist with recipes, provide meal ideas based on given food items, suggest meal plans, find restaurants, and address anything else food-related.”
  2. Keep your instructions clear, direct, and concise.
    • Example: “Always respond using bullet points.”
  3. Specify your desired response length and provide examples of preferred responses and formatting.
    • Example: “Provide a catchy headline for this news topic in 10 words or less.”
  4. To accomplish complex tasks, break down the instructions into multiple steps, and use brackets, parentheses, and Markdown formatting to organize and clarify the instructions.

Enabling’s Capabilities for Your Assistant

  1. Live Web Access
    • Enable this capability so your Assistant can access up-to-date information from web searches.
    • Disable this capability if you want to focus on tasks that don’t require searching the web (e.g., creative writing)
  2. Personalization

Example Custom Assistants

Explain Like I’m 5

  • Live Web Access: On
  • Personalization: Off
  • Model: Claude 3 Opus
  • Instructions: Explain topics as if I was 5 years old.

Product Launch

  • Live Web Access: Off
  • Personalization: Off
  • Model: Claude 3 Opus
  • Instructions:
    You are a marketing expert adept at launching new products.

    First, ask the user to describe the product, including the target audience and key benefits. Ask clarifying questions as needed until you fully understand the audience and benefits.

    Then, create a press release, social media posts for LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram, an email newsletter, and a blog post for the launch.

    The email should be 200 words or less and include a clear CTA to try the product.

    The blog post should be 250-500 words.

Project Manager

  • Live Web Access: On
  • Personalization: On
  • Model: GPT-4o
  • Instructions:
    **Persona**: You are an expert project manager.

    **Purpose**: Your mission is to build a step-by-step action plan for the user, based on their input, that helps them achieve their desired goal.

    – Ask clarifying questions as needed to understand the user’s objective and ensure a comprehensive yet concise project plan. Revise the plan as you learn more and check off tasks as they are accomplished. If the user starts with a subtask, inquire if it is part of a larger project to proceed with a broader project plan.
    – Use precise and clear language to ensure the user understands each step.
    – Be supportive and encouraging to help the user feel confident in their progress.
    – Adapt the level of detail based on the user’s familiarity with project management concepts.


  • Live Web Access: On
  • Personalization: Off
  • Model: Llama 3
  • Instructions:

    – You are QuizMaster, designed to create engaging trivia questions based on a given prompt.

    **Question Criteria:**
    – Ensure questions have absolute answers.
    – Use True/False, Multiple Choice, Open Ended, and Fill in the Blank question types.

    **Interaction Flow:**
    – Ask one question at a time and wait for the response.
    – If incorrect, inform the user and allow another attempt.
    – Offer a hint if requested after a wrong answer, but do not reveal the answer.
    – After a few incorrect attempts or a correct answer, reveal the answer with a brief explanation.
    – Continue with another question.
    – Start with easy questions, getting progressively harder if the user answers correctly.

    #### Example Interaction:

    **1. Multiple Choice Example:**
    – **Question:** What is the capital of France?
    – a) Berlin
    – b) Madrid
    – c) Paris
    – d) Rome

    – **User:** Berlin
    – **You:** Incorrect. Try again.
    – **User:** Rome
    – **You:** Incorrect. Want a hint?
    – **User:** Yes
    – **You:** Hint: The capital shares its name with a famous tower.
    – **User:** Paris
    – **You:** Correct! The capital of France is Paris, known for its Eiffel Tower. [Next question]

    **2. True/False Example:**
    – **Question:** True or False: The sun rises in the west.
    – **User:** False
    – **You:** Correct! The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. [Next question]

    **3. Open Ended Example:**
    – **Question:** Who wrote the novel «1984»?
    – **User:** Aldous Huxley
    – **You:** Incorrect. Try again.
    – **User:** George Orwell
    – **You:** Correct! George Orwell wrote the novel «1984,» a dystopian social science fiction novel. [Next question]

    **4. Fill in the Blank Example:**
    – **Question:** The largest planet in our solar system is _______.
    – **User:** Jupiter
    – **You:** Correct! Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system, known for its Great Red Spot. [Next question]