Dominar Patreon.

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Step-by-Step Tutorial: Making Money as an Artist

Step 1: Identify and Engage Your True Fans

Identify Your True Fans

  1. Analyze Engagement:
    • Look at your social media, email list, and existing platforms to identify the most engaged fans.
    • Note interactions such as comments, shares, and likes, focusing on those who consistently engage with your content.
  2. Create a Fan Database:
    • Compile a list of these engaged fans with their contact information (emails, social media handles).

Engage Regularly

  1. Choose Engagement Platforms:
    • Select platforms where you can directly interact with your fans (e.g., Patreon, Discord, email newsletters).
  2. Plan Regular Interactions:
    • Schedule regular updates, live Q&A sessions, or exclusive content drops to keep fans engaged.

Step 2: Diversify Your Revenue Streams

Sell Digital Products

  1. Identify Digital Products:
    • Determine what digital products you can create (e.g., exclusive episodes, bonus content, downloads, courses).
  2. Set Up a Sales Platform:
    • Use platforms like Patreon, Gumroad, or your own website to sell these digital products.
    • Create a simple and appealing landing page for each product.

Offer Free Memberships

  1. Set Up Email Capture:
    • Use tools like Mailchimp or ConvertKit to create a form for fans to sign up for free membership.
  2. Offer Value for Sign-Up:
    • Provide a small, free digital product (e.g., an exclusive PDF, mini-course) in exchange for email sign-up.

Host Live Experiences

  1. Plan Live Events:
    • Decide on the type of live event (e.g., live concert, special episode premiere, Q&A session).
  2. Use a Ticketing Platform:
    • Use platforms like Moment or Stageit to sell tickets to your live events.
  3. Promote Your Event:
    • Market your event through your email list, social media, and other channels.

Step 3: Leverage Multiple Platforms

Utilize Patreon

  1. Set Up Your Patreon:
    • Create a Patreon page with tiered membership options offering exclusive content.
  2. Promote Your Patreon:
    • Regularly mention your Patreon on social media, in videos, and through email newsletters.

Build and Use an Email List

  1. Grow Your Email List:
    • Use sign-up forms on your website and social media.
    • Offer incentives for joining, like exclusive content or discounts.
  2. Engage Your Email Subscribers:
    • Send regular newsletters with updates, exclusive content, and special offers.

Maintain a Strong Social Media Presence

  1. Engage on Social Media:
    • Post regularly, interact with comments, and share behind-the-scenes content.
  2. Direct Traffic to Monetized Platforms:
    • Use social media to drive traffic to your Patreon, website, and email sign-ups.

Step 4: Create Meaningful Content

  1. Focus on Quality:
    • Prioritize creating high-quality content that resonates with your true fans.
  2. Balance Content Types:
    • Mix content that attracts new viewers with content that deeply engages your existing fans.

Step 5: Monetize Merchandise and Digital Goods

Sell Merchandise

  1. Design Merchandise:
    • Create designs for T-shirts, posters, and other merchandise that reflect your brand.
  2. Use Print-on-Demand Services:
    • Platforms like Teespring or Redbubble can handle production and shipping.
  3. Set Up an Online Store:
    • Integrate your merchandise store with your website or sell directly through social media.

Offer Digital Goods

  1. Create Digital Products:
    • Develop items like music downloads, eBooks, or artwork.
  2. Sell Digital Goods Online:
    • Use your website, Gumroad, or Etsy to sell these products.

Step 6: Collaborate and Expand

  1. Identify Potential Collaborators:
    • Reach out to other artists or creators whose audience aligns with yours.
  2. Plan Collaborative Projects:
    • Work on joint content or events that can introduce your work to new audiences.
  3. Expand Your Reach:
    • Promote collaborative projects through both partners’ channels.

Step 7: Apply for Funding and Support

Use Crowdfunding Platforms

  1. Choose a Platform:
    • Platforms like Kickstarter or Indiegogo can help fund specific projects.
  2. Create a Compelling Campaign:
    • Offer attractive rewards for backers and promote your campaign widely.

Seek Grants and Sponsorships

  1. Research Opportunities:
    • Look for art grants and sponsorship opportunities that align with your work.
  2. Prepare Applications:
    • Submit well-prepared proposals to secure funding.

Step 8: Optimize Your Online Presence

  1. Maintain a Professional Website:
    • Ensure your website is up-to-date with your portfolio, store, and contact information.
  2. Invest in SEO and Marketing:
    • Use SEO strategies and digital marketing to increase visibility and attract new fans.

Step 9: Reflect on Your Goals

  1. Define Your Artistic Vision:
    • Regularly revisit your goals and what drives you as a creator.
  2. Stay True to Your Purpose:
    • Focus on creating work that aligns with your personal vision and resonates with your true fans.

Getting Started with Patreon for Beginners.

Introduction to Patreon.

  • Patreon is a platform used to support various businesses.
  • The guide will help beginners understand how to start and use Patreon effectively.

Services to Offer on Patreon.

  • Depends on the content you produce.
  • Example: Financial information on a YouTube channel.

Importance of Tiered Pricing.

  • Essential to have three tiers to create a price-tiered structure.
  • Different tiers cater to people with different needs and income brackets.
  • Studies show tiered pricing is effective for differentiating between services.

Setting Prices.

  • Prices are arbitrary and can be adjusted.
  • Important to set prices that reflect the value you provide.
  • Avoid setting prices too high to prevent alienating your audience.

Creating Content for Patreon.

  • Regular posts are crucial, even if you have no subscribers initially.
  • Make engaging posts to entice potential patrons.
  • Have numerous posts ready to demonstrate value.

Use of Images.

  • Visual content is more appealing and effective.
  • Always include images in your posts to increase engagement.
  • Accompany text with images to make posts more attractive.

Utilizing Text Previews.

  • Add a text preview to your posts.
  • Use text previews to tease content and encourage subscriptions.
  • Properly manage the information visible in text previews to maintain interest.


  • Implement tiered pricing, regular posts, and visual content to attract patrons.
  • Adjust your strategies based on the value you offer and the engagement of your audience.

Effective Use of Text Previews on Patreon.

Creating Engaging Text Previews.

  • Use catchy hooks to intrigue potential patrons, such as «unlock this post now» or «you won’t want to miss these.»
  • Example hooks: «The top ten» or «These ones are juicy.»

Utilizing Images and Text Descriptions.

  • Combine images with text previews to create engaging posts.
  • Don’t reveal all information in the preview to encourage subscriptions.

Demonstrating Financial Success.

  • Example of earning money through effective stock picks.
  • Emphasize track record to build credibility and encourage patron support.

Insights and Analytics.

  • Monitor new and canceled patrons to understand which tiers are effective.
  • Analyze sign-ups and cancellations to refine your tier offerings.

Setting Up Tiered Memberships.

  • Decide on three tiers with distinct benefits:
    • Tier 1 ($1-$2/month): Basic support.
    • Tier 2 ($5/month): Name in video descriptions and exclusive behind-the-scenes access.
    • Tier 3 ($20-$50/month): One-on-one calls, private group chats, exclusive content, and templates.

Monetizing Traffic.

  • Leverage social media traffic from Twitter, TikTok, and Instagram.
  • Utilize Patreon’s effective payment solutions to monetize your audience.

Additional Resources.

  • Offer step-by-step tutorials on creating custom icons and other content.
  • Provide guidance on designing effective Patreon pages using tools like Photoshop.

Practical Steps for Making Money as an Artist.

Invest in True Fans.

  • Identify Core Fans: Focus on the small portion of fans who are deeply engaged with your work. These true fans are your most valuable supporters.
  • Build Connections: Develop meaningful relationships with these fans through platforms like email lists, Discord, or Patreon.
  • Engage Regularly: Maintain regular interaction to keep them energized and connected to your work.

Diversify Revenue Streams.

  • Commerce: Sell digital products like episodes, bonus content, downloads, or courses. Platforms like Patreon offer commerce options for one-time purchases.
  • Free Memberships: Use free memberships to capture emails and build a deeper connection with fans who may not be ready for subscriptions. This can lead to future financial support.
  • Live Experiences: Offer ticketed live streams or events through platforms like Moment. These events can generate revenue and create a sense of community.

Leverage Multiple Platforms.

  • Patreon: Utilize Patreon for subscription payments, providing exclusive content to paying members.
  • Email Lists: Build and maintain an email list to communicate directly with your fans and offer special content or products.
  • Social Media: Use social media platforms for reach and discovery but guide fans to spaces where you can engage more deeply and directly.

Create Meaningful Content.

  • Focus on Quality: Prioritize creating content that is meaningful and true to your artistic vision. This builds a loyal and engaged fan base.
  • Avoid Algorithm Pressure: Resist the urge to create solely for algorithmic success. Instead, focus on what genuinely excites and motivates you.

Monetize Digital and Physical Goods.

  • Merchandise: Sell branded merchandise like T-shirts, posters, or unique items related to your art.
  • Digital Goods: Offer digital downloads, music, videos, or any other digital products your fans might value.

Collaborate and Expand.

  • Collaborations: Work with other artists to reach new audiences and create unique content.
  • Community Engagement: Host events, Q&A sessions, or workshops to build a stronger community around your work.

Utilize Funding and Support Platforms.

  • Crowdfunding: Use crowdfunding platforms for specific projects or to raise funds for new ventures.
  • Grants and Sponsorships: Apply for art grants or seek sponsorships that align with your creative vision.

Optimize Your Online Presence.

  • Website: Maintain a professional website with a store, blog, and portfolio to showcase your work and sell directly to fans.
  • SEO and Marketing: Invest in search engine optimization (SEO) and digital marketing to increase visibility and attract new fans.

Stay True to Your Goals.

  • Know Your Purpose: Keep your artistic goals and vision clear. This helps maintain focus and direction in your creative and business efforts.
  • Adapt and Innovate: Be willing to adapt to new platforms and technologies that align with your goals and can help you reach your audience.

By focusing on building deep connections with true fans, diversifying revenue streams, and staying true to your creative vision, you can create a sustainable and fulfilling career as an artist.

Evolution of the Internet and Patreon’s Role.


  • Speaker introduces themselves and gauges the audience’s background.
  • Audience includes creators, music industry professionals, and tech enthusiasts.


  • Speaker started making music and videos after college in 2007.
  • Experience with creating movies and animations since childhood.

Personal Journey.

  • Worked on a record called «Nightmares and Daydreams» after college.
  • Faced challenges in reaching an audience and using early technology for promotion.
  • Used manual tools in Photoshop before advanced features were available.

Internet Evolution.

  • The Internet was transitioning from web 1.0 to web 2.0 around the time the speaker finished college.
  • Web 1.0: Static, read-only web (e.g., AOL), limited user-generated content.
  • Web 2.0: Emergence of interactive platforms like YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter.

Impact of Web 2.0.

  • Web 2.0 allowed creative individuals to participate actively on the Internet.

Enabled easier posting, tweeting, and uploading of content for creators.


Journey of an Independent Artist in the Early Internet Era.

Initial Struggles.

  • The speaker highlights the magic and transformative power of the early Internet for artists and creators.
  • Graduated in 2007, released «Nightmares and Daydreams,» and struggled to reach an audience.
  • Relied on MySpace for networking, driving up and down the West Coast, playing in local bars, and facing empty venues.

Discovery of YouTube.

  • A friend introduced the speaker to David Choi’s viral video on YouTube.
  • Realized the potential of YouTube to reach a broader audience.
  • Started uploading videos showcasing the at-home recording process with innovative split-screen techniques.

Early Success on YouTube.

  • Used basic equipment: an Mbox audio interface, Pro Tools Le, a Sony Handycam, and a makeshift sound-dampening setup.
  • Created real music, collaborated with friends, and gained viewership.
  • By 2009, uploaded 43 YouTube videos and felt fulfilled by finally reaching people.

Impact of YouTube.

  • Videos began receiving thousands of views, a significant improvement over performing to empty bars.
  • Emphasized the importance of the YouTube subscribe button in building an audience.



The Power of the Subscribe Button in Web 2.0.

Importance of the Subscribe Button.

  • The subscribe button was foundational in Web 2.0, transforming YouTube from a tool for reaching people to a platform for building a following.
  • It allowed fans to sign up for future content, giving creators a distribution channel to ensure their work reached their audience.
  • The follow system represented the birth of the follower, fundamental for human creativity and organization.

Impact on Creators and Communities.

  • The follow system enabled sustained communication, connection, and community.
  • Examples of its impact include musicians, podcasters, and educators building dedicated followings around their work.
  • It facilitated a framework for the distribution of creativity and communication.

Case Study: Pomplamoose.

  • The speaker’s first collaboration with Natalie led to the creation of the Pomplamoose channel.
  • Initially posted on the speaker’s channel with 7,000 subscribers, the new channel quickly gained 3,000 subscribers.
  • Within a year, Pomplamoose amassed 18,000 subscribers.
  • Announcing a show on YouTube led to 40 attendees, a significant improvement from playing to empty bars.

Memorable Moments.

  • The joy of performing for 40 people after years of playing empty venues was magical.
  • A spontaneous moment involving «Pomplamoo soap» became a fan favorite, demonstrating the connection and engagement with their audience.

Impact of the Follow System on Pomplamoose’s Success.

Product Launches and Fan Engagement.

  • Released «Pomplamoo soap» after a successful video, receiving hundreds of orders.
  • Shifted from CDs to USB thumb drives for music, selling hundreds and signing each one personally.
  • Involved family in packaging and distribution, making it a fun and collaborative effort.

Fan Contributions and Community Involvement.

  • Asked fans to create album artwork, receiving hundreds of submissions.
  • Chose a fan’s artwork for their first album, highlighting the talent within their community.

Memorable Performances.

  • Booked a show at a laundromat, which went viral with half a million views overnight.
  • The laundromat show attracted 200 people inside and 150-200 outside, causing a street crowd.
  • Realized the power of their following and its potential for their music career.

Independent Music Distribution.

  • Released music directly on iTunes, bypassing traditional music industry routes.
  • Sold 30,000 songs in one month, earning $22,000, a significant financial success.
  • Continued to grow their audience, leading to larger shows and tours.


  • The follow system transformed their career, enabling them to become full-time musicians.
  • Highlighted the profound impact of the subscribe button on their success and dreams.

The Impact of True Fans and the Birth of Patreon.

The Power of the Follow.

  • Transitioned from playing empty bars to fulfilling a musician’s fantasy.
  • The follow feature felt magical, transforming audience reach into deep connections.

Kevin Kelly’s «1000 True Fans» Concept.

  • Kevin Kelly’s essay posited that 1000 true fans, each spending $100 annually, could sustain a creative career.
  • True fans are deeply committed, supporting through purchases, attendance, and engagement.

Examples of True Fan Support.

  • Fans created tattoos, custom t-shirts, and artwork of Pomplamoose.
  • Selling $500 monthly from an HTML site and MP3 store.
  • Fans participated in music videos and live streams, generating significant revenue.

Successful Fan Engagement Initiatives.

  • Raised over $100,000 for a record from 2000 people.
  • Launched an album campaign requiring book donations for a school district, resulting in 11,000 books worth $140,000.

Foundation of Patreon.

  • Concept of true fans inspired the creation of Patreon.
  • Patreon started as a membership platform allowing fans to support creators through subscriptions.
  • The idea provided creators with a stable income stream from dedicated supporters.



Evolution of Patreon and the Internet’s Impact on Creators.

Growth of Patreon.

  • Patreon now has over 400 employees and supports more than 250,000 creators.
  • Creators on Patreon have collectively earned over $3.5 billion.
  • This success demonstrates the power and presence of true fans.

Shift in the Internet Landscape.

  • The Internet transitioned from web 1.0 in the 1990s to web 2.0 in the 2000s.
  • Around the 2010s, a new change began with Facebook introducing ranking algorithms.

Impact of Ranking Algorithms.

  • Facebook’s ranking analyzed post engagement, pushing less engaging posts down the feed.
  • This shift prioritized Facebook’s business goals, affecting creators’ reach to their followers.
  • Creators’ posts might not be seen by followers, breaking the direct subscription model.

Consequences for Creators.

  • Ranking algorithms influenced creators to prioritize content that favored the algorithm.
  • This shift changed creative output, aligning it with platform goals rather than personal or fan interests.
  • The success of Facebook’s model led other platforms like YouTube, Twitter, and Instagram to adopt similar ranking systems.

The 2010s: The Decade of Ranking.

  • The decade saw a significant shift towards algorithmic feeds, breaking the promise of direct creator-fan relationships.
  • Algorithmic feeds, while beneficial for business, altered the nature of creator-led communities.

Chronological vs. Algorithmic Feeds.

  • The debate between chronological and algorithmic feeds is not about choosing one over the other.
  • Chronological feeds have their own issues, such as the need for constant posting to stay relevant.
  • The main concern is the intention behind feed organization: building strong relationships versus maximizing attention and watch time.

Key Takeaway.

  • The purpose of feed organization should be to strengthen creator-fan relationships and ensure direct connections.
  • Prioritizing engagement over mere attention can foster a more energized and loyal community.


Challenges Faced by Creators in the Evolving Internet Landscape.

Impact of Platform Changes.

  • Algorithms prioritizing engagement over subscriptions hurt creators and their communities.
  • Business and creative output of creators are negatively affected by these changes.

TikTok’s Disruptive Influence.

  • TikTok abandoned the subscription model, introducing the «For You» feed where content is chosen by the platform.
  • Achieved rapid growth, reaching a billion users by 2021, causing a shift away from legacy social platforms.
  • Other platforms adapted by launching similar features (YouTube Shorts, Instagram Reels, Twitter’s For You feed).

Decline of Creator-Led Communities.

  • The shift towards algorithmic feeds weakened the traditional creator-fan relationship.
  • Creators find it harder to sell tickets, reach fans, and build community and business.
  • The 2020s might mark the «death of the follower» era.

Personal Impact on Creators.

  • Creators experience reduced visibility and engagement with their audience.
  • Example of a creator losing 80% traffic due to Facebook changes, resulting in financial hardship.
  • The problem affects not just creators but also media companies like Vice, Buzzfeed, and Rooster Teeth.

Call to Action.

  • Acknowledgement of the struggle faced by creators in maintaining their audience and business.
  • Emphasis on the need for a supportive ecosystem to sustain creator-led communities.


Challenges and Future of Creator-Fan Relationships.

Current Struggles for Creators.

  • Difficulty in connecting with audiences is not necessarily a personal failing.
  • The current web landscape poses significant challenges for creators.
  • Even well-funded media companies struggle with these issues.

Major Issue: Weakening of Creator-Led Communities.

  • The weakening of distribution channels to fans is a critical problem for creators.
  • This issue threatens the future of creativity on the Internet.

The Importance of the Follow.

  • Despite current challenges, the concept of the follow is too valuable to disappear.
  • The follow is essential for creators, publishers, and media companies.

Emerging Solutions.

  • New companies are addressing the need for deeper connections rather than just more connections.
  • Examples include Discord, Kajabi, Fourth Wall, Gumroad, and Patreon.
  • These companies focus on direct-to-fan relationships and community building.

Future Outlook.

  • The next decade will see a shift towards building direct fan connections and community strength.
  • Social platforms will still be needed for discovery and reach, but they will be part of a broader set of tools for creators.
  • The focus will be on fostering deeper connections with true fans, who drive the majority of community and business.


Responsibility and Vision for a Better Internet.

Personal Responsibility as a Creator.

  • The speaker feels responsible as a CEO to help build a creator-friendly Internet.
  • Reflects on past anxieties and fears about the direction of Internet platforms.

Patreon’s Mission.

  • Aim to create a better version of how art and community exist online.
  • Focused on solving problems for creators by building tools and services.

Evolution of Patreon.

  • Transitioned from a membership platform to a comprehensive solution for media, community, and business.
  • New tools include video community, podcasting, better posting, media player, commerce, free membership, and live events.

Building True Fandom.

  • Created tools to foster true fandom and deeper connections between creators and fans.
  • Current social media platforms cause communities to degrade over time, making it harder for creators to engage with their audience.

New Community Tools.

  • Patreon’s new products aim to energize fandoms and allow creators to interact directly with their fans.
  • These tools help maintain engagement and connection with true fans who are crucial for a creator’s success.


Building a Vibrant and Engaged Fandom.

Vision for Creator Spaces.

  • Creators need a space where their fanbase becomes more vibrant and connected over time.
  • Such spaces are vital for the future of creativity, providing energy and enthusiasm.

New Commerce Features.

  • Commerce allows creators to sell digital items like episodes, downloads, and courses.
  • Addresses subscription fatigue and financial constraints by offering one-time purchase options.
  • Helps creators connect with true fans who aren’t ready for subscription payments.

Free Membership.

  • Acts like an email capture, allowing fans to follow creators without paying.
  • Helps creators form relationships with fans who may later become paying supporters.
  • About 40-50% of free members intend to support creators financially in the future.

Live Experiences with Moment.

  • Acquired platform Moment enables ticketed live experiences.
  • Creators can debut new work and engage with fans in real-time.
  • Used by notable creators for live community experiences.

Patreon’s Evolving Role.

  • Transitioning from a membership platform to a «true fan» company.
  • Aims to create a better online environment for art and community.
  • Focus on giving creators control, creative freedom, and vibrant community connections.


Building Thriving Communities and Focusing on True Fans.

Conviction in the Future of Fandoms.

  • The speaker recalls the energy of being part of a vibrant community.
  • Believes in the possibility of an Internet where fandoms thrive and professional creativity is accessible to everyone.
  • This belief is rooted in deep conviction, not just optimism.

Patreon’s Vision and Advice for Creators.

  • Patreon aims to foster an Internet environment where art and community can flourish.
  • Creators shouldn’t wait for tech platforms to evolve; they can take action now.

Key Strategies for Creators.

Invest in True Fans.

  • Focus on deepening connections with a core group of fans.
  • Quality of interaction is more important than simply gaining new views or subscribers.
  • Building a community with true fans can be done through various means (e.g., email lists, Discord, Patreon).

Create Meaningful Content.

  • Avoid the pressure to create solely for algorithms.
  • Remember to make beautiful things that genuinely light you up and that you care about.
  • Balance creating for yourself and for your business without succumbing to external pressures.

Business Metaphor: Hot Dog Stand vs. Local Restaurant.

  • Hot dog stand under the Eiffel Tower: Constant flow of new customers, doesn’t require quality or repeat business.
  • The metaphor emphasizes the importance of making meaningful, high-quality content over simply catering to transient, algorithm-driven traffic.


Building a Sustainable Creative Business and Knowing Your Goals.

Local Restaurant vs. Hot Dog Stand Business Model.

  • Local restaurant: Focuses on great food and service, attracting repeat customers from the local area.
  • Builds trust and deep connections, ensuring regular patronage.
  • Represents a sustainable, community-focused business model.

Example of Sustainable Creators.

  • YouTube New Wave: Creators producing long-form mini-documentaries about their lives and struggles.
  • These creators build strong communities and engage deeply with their audience.
  • Their success demonstrates that meaningful, patient content can build a thriving business.

Importance of Knowing and Trusting Your Goals.

  • Creators should be clear about their personal goals and stay true to them.
  • Avoid letting external metrics and dashboards dictate success.
  • Reflect on what truly matters to you as a creator and pursue that vision.

Personal Artistic Goals.

  • Strive to say something meaningful and unique based on personal experiences.
  • Aim to communicate truths that resonate deeply with others and create connections.
  • Focus on creating timeless work that remains relevant and true over the years.


  • Understand and trust your creative vision.
  • Build deep connections with your core audience.
  • Stay true to your personal goals, avoiding external pressures to conform to others’ definitions of success.


Stay True to Your Creative Vision.

Personal Reflection and Intrinsic Motivation.

  • The advice is as much for the speaker as for the audience.
  • There’s a tendency to seek external validation or authority to define our goals, but true purpose comes from within.

Navigating the Evolving Internet.

  • As the Internet changes, it’s important for creators to stay grounded in what truly matters to them.
  • Focus on what brings pride, purpose, and meaning to your work.

Core Reminders for Creators.

  • Remember why you dedicate your time and energy to your craft.
  • Stay connected to your intrinsic motivation and the reasons you create.
  • Keep expressing your true self with passion and authenticity.

Closing Encouragement.

  • Emphasize the importance of maintaining personal creative integrity.
  • Encourage creators to continue passionately pursuing their artistic vision.


Patreon is CHANGING