Vulnerability and courage are often thought of as opposites, but true vulnerability is actually the strongest show of confidence. In this video, Ruwan Meepagala from “Masculine Underground” and FEARLESS founder Brian Begin discuss what confident, attractive vulnerability looks like as opposed to needy, fake vulnerability…which isn’t really vulnerability at all.

Vulnerability and Courage vs Neediness – Ruwan Meepagala | Becoming FEARLESS

Editor’s Note: This post was originally published in May 2016. The post has been updated, while the video is in its originally-published form.

Watch the full “Becoming FEARLESS” episode this clip is taken from.

Vulnerability and Courage in a Nutshell
The words “vulnerable” and “vulnerability” are often thought of as weakness in our society, but in reality, it takes courage and confidence to be vulnerable. Being willing to talk about vulnerable things and generally be vulnerable with someone or a group of people – being willing to “expose” your true self to potential judgment, rejection, or abandonment – is a true sign of strength and courage. And when you’re willing to be vulnerable with people, you

And when you’re willing to be vulnerable with people, you become more magnetic. People can relate to you, you’re being really real with them, and they’re more likely to want to be around you, connect with you, and be a part of your life…or your business, in that world. And people who don’t appreciate or are “too cool” for your vulnerability aren’t the people you want any kind of partnership with anyway.

But vulnerability often gets confused with being needy – sharing in a way that begs (at one level or another) for people to help you “fix” something or validate you, and that’s what Ruwan and Brian discuss in the video.

Ruwan Meepagala ( is a sex, relationships, and creativity coach for men and women – his written work has appeared in numerous publications, including Psychology Today,, The Good Men Project, and Orgasm Daily.

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