Ejercicios para desarrollar fluidez verbal – 3.
Buscar en google y youtube: «think on your feet»
Buscar en google y youtube: «improve word recall»
- Read out loud. Make it a 15-minute routine each day.
- Listen to audio books. Imitate the speech patterns as accurately as possible.
a Dual N-Back, Brain Training & IntelligenceHello, so here’s yet another thread on verbal fluency. I’d like to
improve my verbal fluency. A lot of the times when I speak I awkwardly
phrase what I’m saying, or say it unclearly. Or I’ll just flat out
stumble on my words and find myself fruitlessly grasping at the next
word. I have trouble recalling certain words sometimes. I’ll often
resort to saying «Yeah, it’s really… uhhh…what’s it called?» It’s
like thoughts are made of molasses sometimes.This is what my understanding of verbal fluency is. It’s your ability
to generate and use words as quickly as possible in the best way as
possible (The way you intend to use them). In the real world this
translates into having the ability to pinpoint the thoughts you are
thinking in real time, and expressing them as clearly and concisely as
possible in a way your listener or audience truly understands i.e.
being able to generate good analogies.A few activities that might develop this ability are participating in
toastmasters, learning how to free style wrap, learning logic and
learning how to write clearly. I have some questions though. First
off, does anyone have any links to any intervention studies that
proves that a particular exercise or activity improves fluency?Anyways, my main concern is this. I’ve been previewing a book called,
“Thinking on your feet: Tools to Communicate Clearly and
Convincingly.” The most interesting thing about this book are the
exercises at the end of the chapters. For example:Exercise 1: As quickly as possible write down ten words that are
related in some way to each of the words presented. i.e. stress –
blood pressure, nerves, work-related, pressure, fear, change, unknown,
ulcer, time, deadline.Exercise 2: You are given three words and you have to find the one
word that is related somehow to the other three. i.e. trunk, family,
house = tree.These two exercises are lifted directly from an IQ test book. Where
can I find more samples of exercise 2? It seems like some sort of SAT
type question and there must be a practice book that drills that
SPECIFIC exercise hundreds if not thousands of times. You think
drilling these two exercises will help me?Exercise 3- I’ve seen this one mentioned here before. Similar
variations of it at least. For the next 30 days you are to give a 5
minute impromptu speech about random topics i.e. Day 1-values Day 2-
chart Day 3-highlight etc. This exercise is easy to continue because
there are a lot of word, topic and theme generators online. And after
a month or two, you can start delving into more personal random
topics.Watch your favorite English language TV show or movie, and as the characters speak, repeat loudly the exact words they are saying the moment you hear them. In other words, ‘shadow’ their dialogue in real-time. Don’t worry about getting every word or sound right – focus on listening carefully, moving along quickly and keeping pace. After the movie ends, repeat the exact same movie and do it again. And again.
By forcing yourself to speak at native speed, your brain becomes hyper-receptive to what you are hearing, and you will find yourself not only picking up the words quicker and quicker, but also unconsciously mimicking the inflections and vocal nuances that are usually difficult to learn for a non-native. It will also fix the stammer that comes with uncertainty or lack of confidence. In this way, the actors in the movie become your speaking partners.
This will be perfect practice just before your interview. Look for some interview practice videos on YouTube, then shadow the entire conversation. Practice the same dialogs again and again. You will be amazed how that will improve not only your speaking, but also your ability to actively listen and react. Best of luck.
How To Think Better And Faster On Your Feet
How to get better at thinking on your feet.