Paneles solares fotovoltáicos y energía eólica.

Taller Energía Solar – Presentación jueves 11.7.19

Ing. Michael Maks Davids.

Docente e investigador PUCE

0981869424 whatsapp.

Our product will be our ‘plug and play’ solar cells for standard solar modules. These cells will be based on our proprietary perovskite-on-silicon tandem photovoltaic (PV) technology which breaks the performance limit of conventional solar materials.

We expect our initial solar cell product to have an efficiency of about 27%, and we have a roadmap to increase this to beyond 30%.

The high efficiency of our product means it will produce 20% more power compared with conventional PV technology. This makes our product particularly attractive for use in space-constrained areas, such as residential rooftops.

Solar panels with our solar cells will enable homes and businesses to generate at least 20% more electricity than comparably sized, conventional solar PV panels. This will further reduce society’s reliance on fossil fuels, helping households and business owners to save even more on energy bills, feed more electricity into the grid, or store more of it in batteries or electric vehicles.

Lluvia de ideas:

Energías fósiles:





Energías renovables:

Energía solar para calentar agua.

Energía solar para hacer electricidad.

Energía eólica.




Bio gas.

Bio masa.

Bio diesel.

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