BrainGym – Neurofeedback LENS vs. Neurofeedback Tradicional. 12 mil dólares.
Entrenamiento online en ochslabs, para dar sesiones de LENS Neurofeedback, 850 dólares.
Neurofeedback Tradicional: condiciona al cerebro a generar una cierta frecuencia.
LENS neurofeedback: hace lo opuesto del Neurofeedback tradicional, es descondicionar el cerebro, disrupcionar las formas predefinidas de procesar información.
Por la conección del cerebro con el sistema digestivo, si mejoras cómo funciona tu cerebro, puede ayudarte a mejorar la digestión, y lo mismo al revéz, si mejoras tu digestión, puedes ayudar a mejorar la forma cómo funciona tu cerebro.
En LENS Neurofeedback, lo que se hace es enviar una pequeña señal al cerebro, y esa señal genera un pequeña fluctuación en el cerebro, y le ayuda al cerebro a liberarse de patrones disfuncionales, le des-entrena al cerebro(el Neurofeedback tradicional entrena al cerebro, el LENS neurofeedback le descentra al cerebro donde está atorado).
Las sesiones son más cortas que las sesiones tradicionales, y son menos sesiones.
LENS Neurofeedback vs. Traditional Neurofeedback
LENS (low energy neurofeedback system).
The Low Energy Neurofeedback System (LENS) is a form of direct neurofeedback that allows the brain to reset itself for optimal performance.
In its most basic sense, LENS is training in self-regulation, a necessary part of optimal brain performance and function which allows the nervous system to function more adaptively.
The LENS is a specific kind of Neurofeedback that operates much more rapidly that traditional systems. Using a very low power electromagnetic field, like the ones that surround digital watches, the LENS facilitates tiny feedback stimulation which results in in brainwave changes.
The result in greater relaxation, sense of ease and improved emotional resilience. LENS neurofeedback is not diagnosis specific. It is not a treatment for any specific condition. It is a generalized process that optimizes brain function.
LENS Neurofeedback FAQ
What is LENS?
Low Energy Neurofeedback System (LENS) is a unique type of neurofeedback that nudges the brain out of maladaptive brainwave patterns it is stuck in, allowing it to restore homeostatis, to reset itself for optimal performance.
Who Can Benefit From LENS?
LENS is not diagnosis-based. We are treating a dysfunctional brain, one that is stuck in maladaptive brainwave patterns and the associated neurochemistry. LENS does not give one a new brain. It can only help optimize the one you have. It works best on patients who, at one point, were normal functioning in their lives, and then something (a singular episode, multiple or repeated exposures) happened to change them. Interestingly, it doesn’t seem to matter how long ago that was.
How Does LENS work?
While performing a standard 21-site EEG, sophisticated computer technology and software captures and analyzes brainwaves, and coverts them into an infinitesimal electromagnetic radio wave signal that is fed back to the brain for a fraction of a second. The signal interrupts dysfunctional brainwave patterns, allowing the brain to re-boot back to normal brainwave patterns and the associated
25 LENS Neurofeedback Sessions For Anxiety & Trauma – My Final Results
Introduction to Low Energy Neurofeedback (LENS)
How many LENS Neurofeedback sessions will I need.

LENS Neurofeedback therapy in Tucson is a proven technology that helps clear negative inner dialogue and widens perspective, allowing our intrinsic personality to emerge.
Top Conditions LENS has Been Shown Successful For
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Memory and Cognition Issues
- PTSD / Trauma
- TBI / Concussions
About LENS Neurofeedback
LENS is an FDA Approved Medical Device with over 400 LENS centers worldwide and over 25 years in development, LENS Neurofeedback has achieved success rates of over 90% and is supported by thousands of clinical studies for a myriad of different conditions.
Click here to read through clinical experiences from Fellow LENS practitioners.
Brain Challenges
Brain challenges tend to be rooted in “looping” patterns. Simply, when our brains loop, our thinking and functionality are restrained, and we can become fearful, anxious, fatigued and ill.
The brain can be thought of as “stuck” when the range of connectivity is compromised. Its activity is, in a sense, stuck and cut off from the rest of the brain and body.
Some people will notice an effect of this as ruminating. Their thoughts loop around, rather than progressing forward. This is a sign of compromised functioning, of being less functionally capable.
An extreme example of looping is obsessiveness.
«stuck-ness» plays out in moods, energy, and pain too
When cells are clustered and stuck in an altered state such as a bruise, they are not integrated with the whole system. (When circulation is poor, it can take a while for a black & blue mark to dissipate, especially in those areas farthest from the heart.)
We also see examples when the natural flow of nutrients in and waste out is disrupted and inflammation takes up residence, as pain and swelling, or we become ill from the stagnation. We see this from unwelcome toxins and microbes becoming stuck as well as stuck emotions and stagnant perceptions.
the feeling of true freedom comes from the liberation of loops, releasing of stagnant perceptions, neuropathways and patterns.
A Flexible Brain is a Calm and Happy Brain
If you grew up in the country and know what it’s like to be able to go outside and run seemingly forever without fences or cars to interrupt your glee, you’ve known the feeling of true freedom.
When our brains don’t have that kind of freedom, the ability to run freely and make necessary and new connections, they can’t function at their best. There are walls and dead ends like the mazes in children’s books, creating unrelenting boundaries that force a person’s functions into a tighter range, not unlike an angry dog chained up in a yard.
Humans, like our brain requires infinite space to grow, evolve and change. Society programs us to fit into a box that restrains and kills us slowly, over time.
So how about traditional neurofeedback?
Operant Conditioning (OC) is the standard form of neurofeedback; Treatment generally takes many months before any changes are noticed, and many more months before there’s “completion”.
While people notice some improvements in some functioning, something tends to remain out of reach – they don’t quite feel themselves. Depending on how perceptive they are, and what their brain was conditioned to do, they may experience a kind of haziness comparable to the fog of suppressive medications.
The haze comes from the process that quiets overactive parts of the brain. While the quieting may help with some functionality, it doesn’t address what causes the brain’s overactivity. Putting the lid on overactivity can create inner tension. (The image of an angry constrained bull waiting to come out of its pen, comes to mind – of course, that’s an extreme image, but the point remains.)
«Functionality» aside, the conditioning, the “corrections” if you will, are not generally integrated with the core of the person and it can leave people grappling with less than a full and meaningful sense of themself. Often times these people show up at my door because someone told them about the LENS, and more recently, the Chrysalis.
LENS Neurofeedback enables the brain to become liberated to do what it was designed to do. Treatment doesn’t involve or insist on any particular way of being or functioning. Instead, the feedback itself is based in real-time, enabling the person’s entire system to calm and step forth from its dysfunctional looping patterns.
For the client, it is a passive process.
An example of why a focus on functional physiology may not be the solution:
One cannot assume that because a brain’s area of speech, is not doing its job, that the fault lies in that physiologically defined area of the brain. Perhaps the connectivity to that area has been compromised and it only needs to be reestablished. Much like a traffic jam. The problem does not lie in the congestion itself, (other than our annoyance of it) but on what has caused the backup several miles ahead.
We all know how conditioned to repetition we can become. It becomes obvious when we arrive at a destination without remembering how we got there if we’ve only been subliminally involved with the drive itself. (Of course, we feel grateful to arrived without incident, given that we were lost in thought, but it is a bit disturbing none-the-less.)
Generally, when there’s an interruption in our looping, we experience it as a relief. When the noise in our heads quiets, people begin to feel more in touch with themselves. They can hear their own thoughts and notice what they feel. A sense of ease is experienced. Perhaps for the first time in their lives. The ease stretches from that inner being place and with it a newfound sense of the world around them. This leads people to function at a higher level and it continues to deepen.
«The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion that stands at the cradle of true art and true science. Whoever does not know it and can no longer wonder, no longer marvel, is as good as dead, and his eyes are dimmed.»
– Albert Einstein
Who can benefit from LENS Neurofeedback?
LENS is remarkably effective, and over 85% of people who have used LENS have benefited significantly from it. Results can be seen quickly, often beginning within the first session, and are long lasting. LENS Neurofeedback is scientifically proven to work with many presenting issues, including:
- Anxiety
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
- Sleep Issues
- Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and Concussions
- Addictions
- Mood Issues
- Anger/Explosiveness
- Chronic Headaches/Migraines
- Chronic Stress
- Cognition and Clarity
- Performance Optimization
LENS is a special type of Neurofeedback that lifts suppression in the brain. Suppression of brain waves which causes Central Nervous (CNS) issues. By giving the brain a chance to lift suppression of the brain waves it allows the brain to “reboot” or “reorganize” itself which causes the brain to function more optimally and be more flexible.
LENS Therapy vs. Traditional Neurofeedback

By Ari Goldstein, Ph.D.
Educational Psychologist
Chicago Mind Solutions
Neurofeedback, sometimes called EEG biofeedback is designed to help patients change how their brains function to relieve a host of brain-related disorders such as ADHD, stress/anxiety, sleep disorders, migraines, traumatic brain injury, and more.
According to an article on the website of the U.S. National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health on this subject, there are seven different types of neurofeedback hardware developed to treat various disorders. Traditional neurofeedback, also called “frequency/power” or “Surface neurofeedback,” is the most commonly used. But more and more, LENS and other devices are used to provide neurofeedback therapy.1
At Chicago Mind Solutions we use two different devices.
The neurofeedback systems we use most frequently are the Low Electrical Neurofeedback System or LENS for short and an even newer system by Brainmaster called Brain Avatar. Both are excellent and highly effective but they operate in different ways. Depending on the patient and the condition being treated, one may be preferred to the other. This blog will cover the development and qualities of LENS as compared to traditional neurofeedback. Our next blog will describe Brain Avatar, the other system we use to treat our patients.
But first, here’s a brief overview of traditional Neurofeedback training.
The history of neurofeedback therapy goes back to research done in the 1950s based on the premise that the human brain is malleable and can be changed to act more efficiently if properly prepared or trained. This concept was founded on the discovery of the plasticity of brain tissue and that the brain communicates internally with electrical impulses called brain waves.2 These brain waves occur at different frequencies and the breakdown of them is as follows:
- Gamma – are very fast (30 Hz) and are associated with intensely focused attention
- Beta – are relatively fast (13-30 Hz) and produce a state of productive awareness
- Alpha – are slower (8 -12Hz) and associated with being in a relaxed state but still fully aware
- Theta – are slower still (4-8 Hz) and produce a state of mind that is spacy and inefficient
- Delta – are very slow (.5 – 3.5 Hz) and are associated with restful sleep3
In the 1960s, brain mapping was developed to show the pattern of these waves within the brain.
Today a brain map also called a QEEG or quantitative EEG, is the basis for all neurofeedback therapy, whatever device is used. If a part of the brain shows electrical activity outside normal limits, the neurofeedback provider can develop a treatment plan to bring the brain waves more in line with a normal rate of activity. Using this technique, neurofeedback is used to treat a range of brain-related maladies including ADHD, anxiety, and insomnia.3
During the session, one or more electrodes are placed on the scalp and one or two more are placed on the earlobes. The neurofeedback device then provides instantaneous feedback in real time in the form of auditory or/and visual depictions of the brain’s activities. No electrical current is put into the brain. Rather, the electrodes are there to register brain wave activity so it can be recorded by the provider and viewed by the patient on a computer screen.4
Neurofeedback enables patients to improve brain function.
We are not normally aware of brain wave activity so we can’t consciously change these patterns. But when patients view the result of brainwave activity through neurofeedback, they can learn how to produce brainwave patterns that are more productive by doing certain exercises on a regular basis.
These exercises may be in the form of games that the patient plays or videos that will only run if the brain is functioning at a certain level. Even though patients aren’t consciously trying to change their brain waves, they’re able to do so because their subconscious takes over, enabling them to enjoy a sense of satisfaction from achieving the goals created within the program. Once brain waves are produced at these optimum levels during training sessions, a pattern is established that the brain is able to maintain between sessions and even after the training has stopped altogether.
Therapy sessions are approximately 30 minutes long but can take up to 45 minutes. Patients are usually seen between one to five times a week, with the average course of treatment taking between 10 and 20 weeks. However, depending on the patient and the condition being treated, up to 40 sessions may be needed before maximum results are achieved.
LENS treats the whole brain instead of specific areas of it.
Developed in 1992 by Len Ochs, PhD, a pioneer in the field of neurofeedback therapy, LENS is a totally innovative form of neurofeedback therapy. It uses weak electromagnetic fields to stimulate overall brain-wave activity and restore brain flexibility and responsiveness. Instead of training parts of the brain to produce desired brainwave patterns, LENS improves overall performance by slightly altering the brain waves before sending them back to the patient’s brain.5
The rationale behind this technique is a recognition that we are hypersensitive to our own dominant brain waves. Ochs discovered that when he fed back these brain waves at a slight offset, the waves lose amplitude and broke up dysfunctional patterns. The brain then responded to this disruption by healing on its own. This technique is often compared to rebooting a computer or defragmenting your hard drive to improve system performance.5
Even patients who have trouble focusing can benefit from LENS.
This methodology can be used to treat a wide range of aliments in all types of patients including young children and patients who, for various reasons, may lack the impulse control or energy to engage in traditional neurofeedback.
Treatment sessions with LENS begin by developing a comprehensive mapping of brain activity at 21 different points.6 The electrical amplitudes of each site are recorded and registered. Based on this map, the provider determines the order of sites that should be stimulated during treatment. Sites with lower amplitudes are considered to be better functioning than those with higher amplitudes. Lower amplitudes will be treated first but all of the sites will be stimulated during the session. Treating the sites in this order allows the better functioning sites to be recruited to assist in helping the other areas during the course of treatment.
During therapy, patients can just close their eyes and let LENS take over.
Tiny electromagnet signals function as the carrier wave to assist the brain in rebooting its activity.6 Frequencies are based on the patient’s dominant brainwave but are offset several cycles per second faster. These signals are delivered through a treatment cap in a certain order to each of the brain’s 21 sites for no more than one second per site and for up to seven times per session. Completely safe, these signals are much weaker than anything the brain receives during the course of a normal cell phone call. And as treatment progresses, the amplitude of the EEG decreases across the spectrum at each of the 21 sites.
Patients may need as few as 6 sessions or as many as 40 to complete treatment with the average course of treatment taking between 10 and 20 sessions. Sessions should be scheduled two or three times per week with each session running between 45 minutes to one hour. As treatment progresses, these sessions can be reduced.7
The ultimate goal of LENS is to encourage more flexibility in neural functioning. It is considered an important alternative to chemical therapies for chronic behavioral problems such as anxiety, ADHD, monopolar and bi-polar depression as well as treating those who have suffered severe physical trauma to the head and brain. The results LENS produces in the patients can be quite profound. Furthermore, they are long lasting and sometimes permanent, requiring no other treatment once the initial therapy sessions are completed.
We hope you found this material helpful. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at 847-656-5080, and please remember to check back for our next blog on Brain Avatar, how it works and the benefits it offers. It will be posted shortly.
About Chicago Mind Solutions
Based in Northbrook, Illinois, the licensed specialists at Chicago Mind Solutions work with children and adults to overcome symptoms and concerns related to dysfunctions in the brain with the help of neurofeedback therapy. A non-evasive approach to improving neuroplasticity, Chicago Mind Solutions is one of a select number of neurofeedback providers in the US offering its patients’ access to Brain Avatar by Brainmaster Technology. This advanced technology gives patients the opportunity to view in real-time the entire process of enhancing the brain’s neuroplasticity as a three-dimensional image. For more information about Chicago Mind Solutions, visit
1Hengameh Marzbani, Hamid Reza Marateb, and Marjan Mansourian Neurofeedback: A Comprehensive Review on System Design, Methodology and Clinical Applications, April 2016
2Rabin, David PhD and Hamlin, Edward PhD, “Meta-Analysis: Can Neurofeedback Effectively Treat ADHD?,” Additude Magazine,
3Main Menu. “Neurofeedback Side Effects, Adverse Reactions, & Dangers.” Mental Health, July 5, 2015,
4Hammond, D. Corydon, “What is Neurofeedback: An update, Journal of Neurotherapy,” August 15, 2011
5“LENS,” Technology for Neurofeedback, 2016,
6 “LENS Neurotherapy – Low Energy Neurofeedback System,” Listen and Learn Center,
7 LENS Neurofeedback, FAQ, 2018,