Gregg Braden – Meditación Gamma – Coherencia entre el corazón y el cerebro – New Ager.
Un Pueblo Conscientino no cree en ideologías como el New Age, y sabe darse cuenta de los fraudes, farsantes, charlatanes, estafadores, cultos; y sabe las cosas buenas y malas de todo. Ejemplo: por lo general solo se escucha de los efectos positivos de la meditación, y no se escuchan los problemas que se pueden generar con la meditación. La Dr. Willoughby Britton ha estudiado los efectos negativos que pueden tener las personas que meditan. La idea del Ontosinclecticismo, es utilizar la meditación no como una práctica espiritual, por que desde el punto del Ontosinclecticismo, meditar no te hace espiritual, y el hecho de meditar no te hace inmediatamente una mejor persona. El objetivo del Ontosinclecticismo es utilizar ciertas técnicas de meditación(como las que generan sentimietnos de compasión y amor), convinadas con psicología, para mejorar el funcionamiento del cerebro.
Gregg Braden (born June 28, 1954) is an American New Age author, who is known for his appearances in Ancient Aliens and his show Missing Links, and other publications linking science and spirituality. He became noted for his claim that the magnetic polarity of the Earth was about to reverse.
Gregg Braden (June 28, 1954–) is an American crank, woo-meister, and New Age fantasy literature author. He argues that human emotions affect DNA, that collective prayer may heal the body, that the world is a mind, that science is pointing to religion and other woo-woo. He has published many books through the Hay House publishing company (a serious scientific publishing house).Do You Believe That? He has also appeared on the pseudohistory show Ancient Aliens[citation needed] and The Secret movie.[citation needed]
He wrote about the 2012 apocalypse for his claim that the magnetic polarity of the Earth was about to reverse,[1][2][3] stating: «There has been a lot of speculation about it. The magnetic poles have certainly reversed in the past. I can tell you as a former geologist that we can see that in the geologic record, 14 times in the last 4-1/2 million years.»[citation needed] It diiiid? Braden argued that the change in the Earth’s magnetic field might have effects on human DNA and claimed that he healed himself from cancer just by thinking he was well. Where the actual proofs of his claims are, no one knows.
Short Powerful Heart & Brain Coherence Guided Meditation FOR EVERYONE! | Dr. Joe Dispenza
1h Supernatural Guided Meditation – Dr. Joe Dizspenza «Pull the mind out of the body».
Gregg Braden – Ancient Technique for Creating Advanced State of Consciousness
Gregg Braden – The Quantum Language of Healing, Peace & Miracles
How to Harmonize Heart and Brain Gregg Braden