Optimización del cerebro con tecnología – Sueño – Dormir – Sleep – 2.

La mejor experiencia para dormir.

Escribir un diario de gratitud y positivismo: estoy feliz y agradezco por esto, esto me fue bien, gracias.

Si duermes 6 horas promedio por día, pasas un cuarto o el 25% de tu vida durmiendo.

Si duermes 7 horas promedio por día, pasas 29% de tu vida durmiendo.

Si duermes 8 horas promedio por día, pasas un tercio o el 33% de tu vida durmiendo.

En otras palabras, si pasas tanto tiempo durmiendo, debería hacer la experiencia de dormir la experiencia más satisfactoria que puedas.

Las sábanas y edredones son importantes; no dormir en materiales sintéticos. Hay nuevos textiles que ayudan a controlar la temperatura (Slumber Cloud), que te mantienen fresco y cálido cuando es importante mantenerte así.

La almohada correcta es importante. Cuando y estés durmiendo, y estés acostado sobre la almohada, quieres que tu y cuello esté recto, con una cobertor a prueba de polvo (dust proof zipper cases), y también un cobertor a prueba de ácaros en tu colchón. Los ácaros pueden generar alergias en las personas, afectan tu respiración, y aumentan la inflamación. Los filtros de aire pueden ayudar con esto.

Almohada ergonómica con funda anti-ácaros.

Colchón con funda anti-ácaros. El colchón no debe tener ningún elemento tóxico.

Sábanas con textiles especiales.

Edredones con textiles especiales.

100% de relajación, y confort para que el cuerpo pueda descansar mejor.

Luz amarilla o roja para no generar cortisona cuando te despiertas.

Snorelab (Roncolab) para registrar los ronquidos.

SnoreGym para hacer ejercicios y así reducir los ronquidos.

Aspiradora automática para limpiar casa.


Sleep-i-mask-deep-sleep-trainer-and-body-conditioner. $162.


Philips deep-sleep-headband $400.


  1. Sensate. $239.

The shortcut to reduce stress and anxiety.

Yogasleep Dohm Classic – The Original White Noise Machine $40.

3199 reviews.

2 libras.

Filtros de Aire.

Buscar en Google: «Ozonificador».

Ozinificadores en OLX.








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Neuvanalife Xen. $400.

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Airoasis. $400.

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Bedjet vs. Chilipad.


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Balooliving. $200.

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https://www.sleepcrown.com/online-store/Sleep-Crown-Traveler-p134937018 Almohada para ponerse encima de la cara. $128.

https://lifecykel.com Hongo melena de León.


Apollo Wearable, como el The Touchpoint Solution. Link de Ben Greenfield, $297, Apollo. support@apolloneuro.com

Plumón de aucalipto que no atrapa el calor, si no que es fresco.


Weighted Blankets in Amazon.



After hearing the author on the Joe Rogan podcast I excitedly bought the book…and then regretted it. The author went on a nauseating rant by telling us that sleep is important in 312 different ways…and yet didn’t really offer any solid advice to help us get more sleep. In other words he stated the obvious, but didn’t offer anything concrete or practical. I have no doubt he is an amazing sleep expert, but we all know that sleep is good for you. The challenge is figuring out how to get more of it or better quality.


.0 out of 5 stars The amount of information about how to sleep better was very thin

Reviewed in the United States on June 18, 2016

Verified Purchase

I thought it was actually a lot of fluff. A lot about the history and story of sleep which I didn’t find interesting at all. The amount of information about how to sleep better was very thin. I can’t recommend this book. There are a lot of better, more informative books out there. Sorry Arianna




ácaros del polvo // dust mites

Rhinitis alergic causes:

Allergic rhinitis is triggered by breathing in tiny particles of allergens. The most common airborne allergens that cause rhinitis are dust mites, pollen and spores, and animal skin, urine and saliva.


Can dust mites cause allergies?

Dust mite allergy is an allergic reaction to tiny bugs that commonly live in house dust. Signs of dust mite allergy include those common to hay fever, such as sneezing and runny nose. Many people with dust mite allergy also experience signs of asthma, such as wheezing and difficulty breathing.







What kills dust mites naturally?

Eucalyptus oil, in specific concentrations, has been scientifically proven to kill 99.99% of dust mites. Bosisto’s Eucalyptus Dust Mite Wash has been specifically formulated based on scientific research, with pure eucalyptus oil to kill dust mites in bedding, linen and other washables.

Does vinegar kill dust mites?

Vinegar is an acidic substance which may actually kill dust mites, according to the Wise Bread website. Use vinegar to mop vinyl flooring and dust furniture to get rid of all dust particles and eradicate dust mites.

Does Laundry Detergent kill dust mites?

Does washing kill dust mite allergens? Dr Tovey says dustmite allergen is highly soluble and washing in warm water with normal laundry detergent removes close to 97 per cent of the allergens.


12 Guaranteed Ways to Get Rid of Dust Mites in Your House

Dust mites are the scourge of allergy sufferers everywhere. They are microscopic insects, not detectable to the human eye, that feed on human and animal skin shedding. They breed prolifically, and there are literally millions of them living and feeding inside fabrics in your home, such as your bed, carpets, soft furnishings, clothes, and anywhere where dust tends to accumulate.

Over the course of its life, a dust mite can produce up to 200 times its own body weight in waste product. These droppings can trigger a range of health problems and allergic reactions, such as breathing difficulties, coughing, nasal congestion, itching, and watery eyes. These problems can also have a detrimental effect on your sleep, causing you to wake up several times during the night.

Although completely eliminating dust mites from your home is impossible, there are several precautions you can take to drastically reduce their numbers and neutralize their threat. Let’s take a look at 12 of the most effective and natural ways to get rid of dust mites in your house using things you already have in your home.

How to Get Rid of Dust Mites

  1. Lower the temperature and humidity level
  2. Remove dust by wiping and vacuuming
  3. Wash fabrics in hot water at a minimum of 130°F (54°C)
  4. Steam clean carpets, rugs, and furniture
  5. Freeze items of clothing and stuffed animals
  6. Sprinkle diatomaceous earth (DE) on beds and carpeting
  7. Use a tea tree oil/eucalyptus spray
  8. Use a hypoallergenic mattress and pillow or an anti-allergy protector
  9. Replace carpets with hard flooring
  10. Don’t make your bed in the morning
  11. Get rid of curtains, cushions, and soft furnishings
  12. Keep pets out of the bedroom



  1. Lower the Temperature and Humidity Level

Ideal Temperature to Reduce Dust Mites

Dust mites love living in an environment where the temperature is between 75°F and 80°F (24°C and 27°C), and the relative humidity is around 70% to 80%. Anything outside this range won’t necessarily kill them but will push them outside their comfort zone and slow down their breeding.

Set the temperature inside your house to no higher than 70°F (21°C). This is considered a normal and healthy environment for a human but is very slightly below optimal for a house dust mite. If you can comfortably live at a few degrees below this temperature, you’ll not only save money on heating costs, but you’ll make life tougher for dust mites as well.

Ideal Humidity Level for Reducing Dust Mites

Dust mites live comfortably in a temperature similar to humans, but they actually prefer a higher humidity. Anything lower than 70% relative humidity reduces their reproductive rate, so try to keep the relative humidity in your bedroom and home to less than 50%.

You can test humidity in the home with an electronic humidity monitor. If you find that relative humidity levels are greater than 50%, try to get air circulating through your house by using vents and fans and by frequently opening windows. If this doesn’t work, or if it is too inconvenient, it’s also possible to control humidity with air conditioning units and dehumidifiers.

  1. Clean and Remove Dust Regularly

If it isn’t already obvious, dust mites dwell and feed on dust, which is made of dead skin cells. With the average human shedding enough dead skin each and every day to feed one million of these pesky critters, maintaining a frequent cleaning schedule is vital.

Wipe Down Dusty Areas

Make a note of all the places in your home where dust tends to accumulate and wipe these areas several times a week with a damp cloth or a microfiber duster. Make sure you are picking up the dust rather than just sweeping it off with a feather duster. You don’t want the dust flying about the room and collecting in your carpets. By wiping down dusty cabinets and countertops, you can dispose of the dust by either washing away the cloth or shaking it out in a trash can outside.

Vacuum Rugs, Carpets, and Fabric Furniture

To actually capture dust, dander, and other airborne allergens, you must use a vacuum with a sealed HEPA filter. HEPA stands for high-efficiency particulate air, and it works by trapping small particles in the fine mesh, including pollen, dust, and even tobacco smoke! Regular vacuums will only suck up big pieces of dust but may send tiny microscopic particles flying right back out into the air. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, «HEPA filters can capture more than 99% of particles that are at least 0.3 microns in size and prevent them from being released back into the air.» If you suffer from dust allergies, wear a dust mask and open the windows when you vacuum or ask someone else to do it.

  1. Kill Dust Mites by Washing Fabrics in Hot Water

Fortunately, dust mites don’t take too kindly to hot temperatures. Put your bed sheets, pillows cases, clothes, curtains, drapes, and other washable fabrics through a wash setting between 130° and 140°F (54° to 60°C) in order to kill them and remove their fecal matter and skin particles. Use a similar heat setting in the dryer, and let the cycle run until everything is fully dry. The heat from the dryer should take care of any mites that survived the wash. Try to do this on a weekly basis to keep the dust mite population to a minimum.

Note: Wash your bedding every week because a warm, dark, and humid bed is the perfect habitat for dust mites to prosper. Additionally, the flakes of dead skin that humans shed during the night become ideal food sources for these little pests. It’s not a pretty thought.


Wool and silk fabrics are inhospitable to dust mites.

  1. Use a Steam Cleaner on Your Couch, Bed, and Carpeting

Steam cleaners are a great way to clean items and objects that aren’t suitable for a washing machine. Most steam cleaners reach a temperature of 200° to 250° F (93° to 121° C). This is even hotter than the temperatures on washing machines and dryers.

Use a steam cleaner on carpets, curtains, cushions, kitchen/bathroom surfaces, and other hard-to-reach places. The steam not only kills dust mites, but it also disinfects by killing bacteria and mold spores. Remember that while the steam can kill 100% of dust mites, their droppings and dead bodies are what actually causes allergies, so after steaming, go over everything again with a vacuum.

  1. Kill Dust Mites by Freezing Them

Dust mites can’t survive hot temperatures, and luckily, they can’t survive the extreme cold either. For more delicate fabrics or items that can’t be washed, such as stuffed animals, silk, or lace, put them in a plastic bag and stick them in the freezer for 24 hours. This will kill every single dust mite, but it won’t get rid of the allergen caused by their droppings, so be sure to take the items outside and vigorously shake them out.

Anything that can fit inside the freezer can be thrown into plastic bags and frozen for 24 hours to get rid of dust mites.

  1. Sprinkle Diatomaceous Earth (DE) on Beds, Furniture, and Carpets

Diatomaceous earth is a natural fine powder made from silica rock. DE literally pierces the exoskeleton of dust mites as they crawl through it, killing them instantly. The effect that diatomaceous earth has on dust mites is similar to them being grounded in a blender.

Sprinkle DE anywhere you think dust mites might reside, such as beds, pet beds, carpets, furniture, upholstery, etc. Leave the power there for as long as possible to allow all the dust mites to crawl through and die. Then vacuum it up with a vacuum that doesn’t have a filter because the powder can clog the filter.

DE is perfectly safe for both humans and pets. It can also kill fleas and bed bugs! Use it as frequently as you need to control the dust mite population and prevent breeding.

  1. Use a Tea Tree Oil and Eucalyptus Spray

Tea tree oil is a natural antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-fungal oil that many homeowners, as well as beauty gurus, swear by for killing everything from acne bacteria and foot fungi to mold and mildew. It gets rid of dust mites and also disinfects and prevents viruses and fungi.

Mix two cups of distilled water with two tablespoons of tea tree oil and two tablespoons of eucalyptus oil (which repels most bugs, including dust mites). Pour the concoction into a dark spray bottle to prevent light from rendering the oils ineffective. Spray liberally on your bed, pillows, and furniture.

Tea tree oil and eucalyptus oil kills and repels dust mites.

  1. Use a Hypoallergenic Mattress and Pillow or an Anti-Allergy Protective Cover

Estimates as to how many dust mites actually live in an average mattress vary wildly, from 10,000 to over a million. Whatever the exact figure, one thing is certain: even the cleanest of mattresses are teeming with these microscopic vermin.

Sadly, it just isn’t possible to make a mattress completely dust mite free. But a hypoallergenic mattress and pillow and/or a protective cover greatly reduces dust mites. Hypoallergenic bedding material uses tightly woven fabric that makes it nearly impossible for mites to penetrate through. The impermeable material also prevents moisture and dead skin from entering your pillows and mattress, which prevents dust mites from living and breeding in your bed.

Anti-allergen covers and protectors are cheaper than hypoallergenic mattresses and pillows, and in similar ways, act as an impenetrable barrier to prevent dust mites from burrowing and to keep your body moisture and skin from entering the mattress. Likewise, if there are dust mites or other allergens present, the mattress protector stops them from infiltrating your sleeping zone.

  1. Replace Carpets With Hard Flooring

Like beds and soft furnishings, carpets are a paradise for dust mites. Carpets trap dead skin and pet dander that the mites feed on. Hard flooring, on the hand, eliminates their most fertile breeding ground.

If you can afford to do it, rip up the carpets in your bedroom—or ideally, throughout the whole house—and replace them with hard flooring, such as linoleum, laminate, or tile.

If getting rid of your carpets is impractical or too costly, try to vacuum regularly—at least two or three times each week. You can also purchase carpet sprays and treatments that get rid of dust mites and other carpet allergens, but in the long term, it might actually be cheaper to install some hard flooring and throw your mite-infested carpets in the trash.

  1. Don’t Make Your Bed in the Morning

Here’s some great news for anyone who hates making their bed first thing in the morning: Don’t bother! Instead, give your duvet and bed cover a good airing. This allows the moisture that was excreted from our bodies during the night time to dry.

Dust mites love moisture because they can’t drink water in the normal sense, so instead, they absorb it through the air. By reducing moisture and humidity within the bed, you make life very difficult for them.


Lift your covers up to allow for air circulation and light to filter through. Trapping your body’s moisture in the mattress makes it a breeding ground for dust mites.

  1. Get Rid of Curtains, Cushions, and Soft Furnishings

Curtains and soft furnishings are a dust mite’s paradise. Fabric traps the dust and moisture, which they feed on, and shields them from potential threats. Each time you drag open the curtains or sit down on a fabric couch, dust mite debris is discharged into the air. Get tough with dust mites by:

  • Replacing curtains with easy-to-clean blinds.
  • Throwing away fabric cushions or exchanging them for leather/artificial leather cushions.
  • Trading fabric couches and arm chairs for leather/artificial leather versions.

If you don’t want to part with your soft furnishings, then you’ll need a steam cleaner. Cuddly toys are another dust mite trap. Short of triggering a tantrum in your child, try to reduce cuddly toys on display in your house. If that beloved teddy bear really has to stay, give it a regular airing. Every so often, stick it in a plastic bag and place in the freezer for 24 hours. This will kill the dust mites.

Replace curtains with blinds. They are easy to clean and don’t have spaces for mites to burrow.

  1. Keep Pets out of the Bedroom

Dust mites love pet dander, so keep them out of your bedroom and off your bed, if possible. Remember to bathe and groom your pets regularly. If you have a breed that sheds profusely, vacuum more often and clean their bedding once a week. Keep in mind that dogs and cats can also suffer from dust mite allergies, so reduce their discomfort by keeping their area clean and dust-free.


Wash everything in hot water every week.

Can Dust Mites Bite You?

Unlike bed bugs, dust mites do not bite humans. They feed on dead human skin that has shed and become dust, hence their name. Some people develop mild to severe reactions to dust mites and their droppings, so a rash may form, but this rash is not a bite mark.

Should I Use Lysol or Natural Home Remedies to Eliminate Dust Mites?

Lysol can kill 99% of dust mites; however, the dead carcasses and droppings of dust mites are what causes allergens. Killing them will not be enough; you must also vacuum the area or shake out the bedding to remove them after you have killed them. While Lysol is effective, natural home remedies, such as using extreme hot and cold temperatures or using diatomaceous earth or tea tree oil is safer than store-bought sprays, much cheaper, and just as effective.

How to Prevent Dust Mites

  • Regularly clean and vacuum the house. Cut down on clutter, and don’t give dust a chance to collect.
  • Regularly clean your vents to prevent allergens from spreading around the house.
  • Wash bedding every week using high temperatures of at least 130°F (54°C).
  • If you have house plants, don’t overwater them. Clean up dead leaves on top of the soil.
  • Use hypoallergenic bed and pillow covers, which are impenetrable to dust mites.
  • Open windows regularly to lower humidity levels in the house.
  • Replace carpets, curtains, and soft furnishing with hard flooring, blinds, and leather or pleather furniture.

How to Remove Dust Mites from A Mattress

Dust mites multiply easily in bedding and mattresses. These can trigger year-round allergies with unpleasant symptoms. Even if you are not actually allergic to dust mites, it’s a good idea to periodically take these steps to remove them for the sake of hygiene.

What is a dust mite?

A dust mite is a tiny eight-legged creature which is virtually impossible to see with the naked eye. Dust mites feed on flakes of shed human skin and are therefore prevalent wherever humans live. Dust mites will live in even the cleanest of homes, making them difficult to remove.

In particular, dust mites can be commonly found in bedding, since there are typically a lot of dead flakes of human skin there. Dust mites also thrive in places with high humidity. Mattresses and bedding fulfil these requirements because shed skin and perspiration provide an ideal source of food and humidity.


Why are dust mites a problem?

Dust mites pose a problem because they excrete enzymes in their faeces, and people can have an allergic reaction to these enzymes. This can cause symptoms such as sneezing, wheezing, coughing, or watery eyes.

Dust mites do not pose problems to those who are not allergic to them, as dust mites do not bite or burrow into skin. However, if you are hygiene conscious you will find it a good idea to periodically take measures to remove dust mites.

Ways to remove dust mites from a mattress

No matter which way you plan to remove dust mites from your mattress, you will simultaneously need to remove dust mites from your sheets and your pillowcases. This can be done by washing these at high temperatures. Pillows themselves should be wrapped in a sealed plastic bag and placed in the freezer for at least 48 hours to kill the dust mites.

Here are a few different methods of removing dust mites from your mattress:


  1. Lower the humidity in your bedroom since dust mites require relatively high levels of humidity to survive (around 80% humidity). By running a dehumidifier and reducing the humidity to about 35%, you will make the conditions unfavorable for dust mites to survive. However, there are three big drawbacks to this method. Firstly, when you sleep on your mattress at night, perspiration will increase the amount of humidity on your bedding, which could make the conditions favorable again for dust mites to propagate. Secondly, a very low humidity such as 35% can be quite uncomfortable for some people. Thirdly, it costs a lot of money in electrical costs to run a humidifier constantly. Furthermore, this method won’t remove any of the faecal matter of the dust mites from your mattress, and that is what causes allergies. In short, this method is only useful when combined with other methods that physically remove dust mites and their by-products.
  2. Baking soda and vacuuming. This can work for a mattress with a fabric surface, for example a spring coil mattress; do not try this directly on a latex or memory foam core. Mix one cup of baking soda with a few drops of essential oil of your choice. Then simply sprinkle baking soda on the mattress and let it sit for 15 minutes. Then vacuum it all off using the hose attachment to suck up all the baking soda fully. . This will suck up the dust mites along with the baking soda. It’s best to use a vacuum cleaner that has a HEPA filter, as this will be effective in picking up and containing the dust mites – ordinary vacuums will just spread the dust mites around further.
  3. Call a professional. A professional specializing in mattress cleaning may be able to help with this. However, this should not be the first resort. The reason for this, besides expense, is that the professional may employ chemical methods of removing dust mites. If you have allergies, these chemicals may cause you further irritation. If possible, opt for non-chemical methods of dust mite removal such as steam cleaning or ultraviolet light, as these will not cause irritation. However, such methods are only effective in the short term and dust mites may come back after a month or so. Note that steam cleaning and ultraviolet light are only suitable for fabric-topped mattresses and not for a latex core.

No matter which of the above methods you employ, it is important to remember that dust mites can be picked up from anywhere else in the home and wind up on an otherwise clean mattress and multiply. So even if you clean your mattress and sheets regularly, you’ll need to be just as vigilant to vacuum your carpets frequently to decrease dust mites there too. Note that wood, tile or linoleum floors are less friendly to dust mites than carpet is, especially as they can be regularly mopped.


A better option: use a dust-mite resistant mattress

A much more effective option is to simply purchase a mattress which is resistant to dust mites. A latex mattress is the only mattress which is naturally resistant to dust mites. Latex, which is made from the sap of the rubber tree, is naturally resistant to dust mites as it is an inhospitable environment for them to thrive in.

A latex mattress is a far better option than periodic cleaning and re-cleaning of your mattress when dust mites multiply. A dust mite resistant mattress can offer year-round relief and hygiene to those with dust mite allergies.

Also, you’ll be doing yourself a favour in more ways than allergy relief and hygiene when you purchase a latex mattress. A latex mattress lets you sleep in the utmost luxury and comfort.

Pop by the European Bedding showroom to try out today!

Don’t forget about your pillow.

If you’re thinking about purchasing a latex mattress, you may wish to consider a latex pillow at the same time. Your head – the part of you breathing in all the dust mite enzymes – will be resting on a pillow for around eight hours each night. Wouldn’t you want your pillow to be resistant to dust mites too? A latex pillow is the ideal choice for this, and it also offers you ultimate comfort on which to rest your head.

Always use a removable mattress cover.

Even on a latex mattress, you should always use a removable mattress cover. Although latex is naturally dust mite resistant, it is still best to use a cleanable cover in case of spills, perspiration, and so on. At European Bedding, all our latex mattresses come with a removable cover. The cover can simply be removed completely whenever you wish to clean it, and then put back on. This cover gives you an extra layer of protection around your mattress to keep it in tip-top condition.

Not only can latex bedding help to mitigate the unpleasant symptoms of dust mite allergies, your body will also will be thankful for the top-of-the-line comfort and luxury that a latex mattress delivers.






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