Paso 24: Longevidad Consciente.

Palabras: 12,278.

Tiempo estimado de lectura: 81 minutos.



  • Entrenamiento para terminar de comer antes de llenarse, y con comida súper rica.

Socialización, Sexo, comida saludable, tomar sietas, ejercicio, vegetales(cocinados), aceite de oliva, papas, limones, hiervas del mediterráneo, café, vino en moderación, y miel, poco pescado, queso feta, leche de cabra.

Socialización, amigos buenos, sentirse apoyado emocionalmente y financieramente; soporte emocional y financiero, ejercicio de poco impacto, caminar, sembrar vegetales, camote, dieta rica en soya(debería ser fermentada), melón, ajo, cúrcuma, arroz integral, te verde, hongos shiitake y algas, pescado, huevos, poco cerdo. Aspecto de super cultura, recitan “Hara Hachi Bu” antes de comer, para hacerles acuerdo de parar de comer cuando estén 80% llenos(aplicación de intermitencia de vez en cuando).

Habas, garbanzos, vino tinto, poco estrés, granos, frutas, nueces, poca azúcar, casi nada de alcohol, casi nada de café. Poca leche, y poco pescado. Comen salmón. Full descanso, contemplación, tranquilidad, y pasar con la comunidad.

Optimismo con las personas adultas(un rasgo de una Súper Cultura), pocas calorías, moderación de calorías, arroz, maíz, fríjoles, papayas, bananas, duraznos. Exposición al sol, agua.

Ayunos intermitentes con bastante comida, y con poca comida.

Ayuno intermitente de 16 horas no comer, 8 horas comer.

Paseos, excursiones, paseos a montañas, aventuras.

Meditación por 30 minutos, reducción de estrés.

Granada, Brotes de brócoli, Espinacas, frutillas, hongos.

Los brotes de brócoli contienen niveles muy altos de sulforafanos que activan nuestras respuestas desintoxicantes y antiinflamatorias. Trate de consumir 100 mg de brotes de brócoli o 40 mg de brotes de brócoli en polvo al día.

Las frutillas superan a cualquier otro alimento por su contenido de fisetina, que ayuda a matar las células senescentes del cuerpo. Trate de consumir ½ taza de fresas todos los días o varias veces a la semana.

Las granadas ayudan a estimular la mitofagia. Beba jugo de granada o coma arilos de granada varias veces a la semana.

La espinaca proporciona una dosis saludable de ácido fólico que ayuda a proteger los telómeros y ayuda en la síntesis de ADN y células. Concéntrese en comer alimentos ricos en folato a diario.

Los hongos contienen las cantidades más ricas de Ergo y glutatión, dos de los antioxidantes más poderosos de nuestro cuerpo. Incluso agregar 5 hongos al día puede tener efectos profundos.

Controle los niveles de ácido fólico y hsCRP en su cuerpo mediante análisis de sangre con regularidad.

. La prueba de hsCRP es una cuantificación altamente sensible de la PCR, una proteína de fase aguda liberada a la sangre por el hígado durante la inflamación, que se ha asociado con la presencia de enfermedad cardíaca.

Suplemento: AKG alfa cetoglutarata cetoglutarato, ayuda también contra las canas. Buscar para comprar en

119 Years Old and Winning Marathons—Or Not?

Ormesis Consciente.

  • Con la Intensidad Consciente, con la Restricción Consciente y los Ayunos Conscientes.

Intensidad Consciente.

  • Entrenamiento de Pesas.
  • Entrenamiento de Atención.
  • Entrenamiento de Intensidad de Intervalos(Hiit).

Restricción Consciente.

Ayunos Conscientes.

  • Ayuno de Dopamina.
  • Ayuno de Ejercicio.
  • Ayuno de información.

NAD + proteína SIRT1.

NAD boosters: nm(nicotinamide monocleotide). East Meets West Medicine Part 2: Stem Cell Myths, Hydrodissection, Vagus Nerve Stimulation Devices, & Much More With Dr. Ahvie Herskowitz (Part 2).

«Sirtuina Comida». Sirtuins genes.

Sirtuinas(proteínas), NAD y resveratrol.

Una forma de aumentar los niveles de NAD es con restricción calórica. Otra forma es tomando Resveratrol encontrado en el vino tinto, en loas arándonos azules, las frambuesas, chocolate negro, La col rizada, té verde matcha, el aceite de oliva extra virgen, nueces, perejil, cebollas rojas, la soya y la cúrcuma.
Se puede convinar hacer ejercicio y comer estas comidas antes de hacer ejercicio.

Otra es ayudo de comidas, y solo comer las comidas ricas en sirtuina.

Tomar precursores para producir NAD, un gramo por día, puede costar entre 150 dólares y 200 dólares al mes.


Previene el daño al ADN.

Usa bloqueador solar.

Evitar rayos X.

1. come menos.

come menos proteínas.

haz ejercicio, entrenamiento intensivo de intervalos, Hiit. Hight Intensity Interval Training.

Exponte al frío de forma que sea incómodo.

Exponte al calor de forma que se incómodo.

Con esto activas tus genes para que se activen los procesos antiedad.

Suplementación con vitamina D3 y ácidos grasos omega 3 DHA y EPA,

Intermitencia Consciente.


Consumir mucha información.

Ayuno de información.

Ayuno de oxígeno.

Wim Hof + Hitt.

Hipopresivo + Hiit.

Buteyko + Hiit.

Sobre oxigenación.

Moverse rápido.

Moverse lento, y parar.

Comer un montón de comida con mucha frecuencia.

Comer poca comida con poca frecuencia.

No comer nada.

Comer comedia chatarra.

Ayuno de proteínas.

Ayuno de carbohidratos.

Ayuno de grasas.

Ayuno de lectinas.

Ayuno de lectinas y hormesis de lectinas:

Los alimentos más ricos en lectinas incluyen: verduras de solanáceas, como tomates, patatas, bayas de goji, pimientos y berenjenas. todas las legumbres, como lentejas, frijoles, cacahuetes y garbanzos. productos a base de maní, como mantequilla de maní.


Y los estudios han demostrado que las lectinas se descomponen cuando se procesan o se cocinan, por lo que el riesgo de efectos adversos para la salud que surgen de los alimentos ricos en lectina que no son crudos no es motivo de preocupación. Además, la mayoría de los alimentos que contienen lectinas se recomiendan como parte de una dieta sana y equilibrada.

Quitar lectinas de los vegetales cocinándolos.

Quitar lectinas de los granos, remojándolos en agua, cocinándolos, y lavarlos antes de comer.

Ayuno solo de agua.

Ayuno solo de líquidos.

Ayuno solo con vegetales.

Comer granos y comidas que generan gases.

Comer un solo plato, puedes perder la capacidad de las enzimas digestivas.

Comer 2 platos por día.

Comer 3 platos por día.

Comer 4 platos por día.

Ayuno con brócoli(comidas que queman grasa), ejercicio, y hacer HIIT.

Intermitencia de nutrientes.

Ayuno de movimiento.

Ayuno de ejercicio.

Intesidad de comida para producir enzimas digestivas.

Ayuno de un día de proteína, generación de autofagia y renovación celular.

Ayuno de 2 días de proteína.

Ayuno de 3 días de proteína.

Ayuno de azúcar procesada.

Ayuno de azúcar.

Vegetales de Sombra Nocturna:

Tomates (todas las variedades y productos de tomate como marinara, ketchup, etc.)


Patatas (patatas blancas y rojas. Sin embargo, las batatas no son solanáceas).


Todos los pimientos (pimientos morrones, jalapeños, chiles y pimientos picantes).

Especias rojas (curry en polvo, chile en polvo, cayena en polvo, pimiento rojo).




bayas de Goji.

Cerezas molidas (distintas de las cerezas normales).



Resveratrol or an NAD-booster, sirtuins.

NMN: Nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN)

NAD: Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide: Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) is an essential cofactor in all living cells that is involved in fundamental biological processes. … Emerging evidence implicates that elevation of NAD+ levels may slow or even reverse the aspects of aging and also delay the progression of age-related diseases

Ultra High Purity Stabilized NMN Capsules – 99.7% Pharmaceutical Grade – 300mg Per Serving – Naturally Boost NAD+ Levels – 60 Capsules NMN Nicotinamide Mononucleotide Supplement

NMN Stabilized Form 250mg Serving Nicotinamide Mononucleotide Direct NAD+ Supplement More Stable Than Riboside Works Best When Paired with Resveratrol

Rapamycin(Sirolimus ) drug molecule, antiaging $1900.

What foods contain rapamycin?

Spermidine—a compound found in foods like aged cheese, mushrooms, soy products, legumes, corn and whole grains—seems to prevent (at least in animal models) liver fibrosis and hepatocellular carcinoma, which is the most common type of liver cancer.

Evaluación de salud con Inside Tracker.

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Biomarcadores sanguíneos.
Vitamina D
Testosterona (hombres)
DHEAS (mujeres)

Factores de estilo de vida.
Impacto medio


Ben Greenfield / TruAge Epigenetic Test Kit

Epigenética, telomere, telomeros.


TruAge is the world’s most accurate test to show you your biological age. Our epigenetic superclock uses deep-machine learning to test over 850,000 data points on your genome while competitors only test 2,000. TruAge gives you the only health metric you should actually care about, your biological age.

Viome hace pruebas(tests) también de ADN, DNA, de edad.

100-year-old yoga instructor, ballroom dancer on life well lived

Meet 96-Year-Old That Stays Fit with Yoga and Dance

The 72-Year-Old Yoga Star Defying The Myth of Aging

Gracias por leer el contenido de «Eclecticismo de Estrategias Anti-Edad».


Pruebas de ADN como 23 and me.

Prueba de metales pesados en el cuerpo.


Epigenética consciente.


Evitar radiación, como rayos X, esto no es Ormesis Consciente.

Eclecticismo de estrategias anti edad



Compound NMN antiaging encontrado en el brócoli, aguacate, repollo, pepinos,

Lifespan by David Sinclair and Matthew LaPlante Analysis and Summary

Summary of Lifespan by David Sinclair

Why We Age; Informational Theory of Aging 

Aging is a complex, multi-factorial process that so far is best described through different “hallmarks of aging”. These hallmarks include stem cell loss and genetic instability. Whilst the hallmarks of aging are a useful framework for focusing on individual areas for research, there is also much overlap amongst them. Instead, David provides his own theory for aging that unifies the hallmarks by being upstream of them. David’s theory is that aging is quite simply a loss of information. This ‘information theory of aging’ builds upon the Mathematical Theory of Communication by Claude Shannon. To understand the basics of the Mathematical Theory of Communication you need to understand that there are two ways of transmitting information; digital and analog. The main difference between them is that analog information is continuous whilst digital is discrete. The problem with analog information, however, is that it can get disrupted by noise.

We have both analog and digital information within each of our cells; the digital information being our genetic code with our analog information being the epigenetic code that determines and dictates which genes are expressed in the cell. Based upon the Claude Shannon’s work we know that it’s analog information that is prone to the accumulation of noise and disruption over time. Therefore, David suggests that noise accumulation in epigenetic information disrupts gene expression and other nuclear processes within a cell leading to malfunctioning and inevitably aging of the organism.

To use another analogy from the book it’s like a DVD whereby the digital information is recorded on the DVD whilst the analog information is on the surface. The DVD surface could get scratched. That scratching of the surface, this analog information, can disrupt the reading of the digital information encoded on the DVD.

Why We Don’t Have To Age?

Now that you understand what aging is, it is now time to discuss if it is possible to prevent or even to reverse this aging process?

To summarise a large chunk of the book, David suggests that there are three main actions you can take if you want to try and prevent or slow down the aging process.

  1. Eat less
  2. Exercise more
  3. Go out of the thermal-neutral zone

Eat Less

The first action is to eat less. This is otherwise referred to as calorie restriction – reducing your daily intake without causing malnutrition.

The idea behind calorie restriction to prevent aging is that the amount of damage induced within the cell is reduced in addition to the activation of processes that can help to reverse the damage that’s accumulated. However, eating less may not be the easiest strategy to follow. Instead, much research is being focused molecules that can mimic this restriction process.

The Nutrient Signalling Pathways – “Good Stress”

Activation of repair processes in a cell is tightly associated with nutrient signalling pathways. The nutrient signalling pathways feature many proteins often referred to as longevity regulators. This is because, in animal models where the genes encoding these proteins have been either deleted or enhanced, lifespan extension has been observed.

Alternatively to gene editing, these proteins can be inhibited or activated through the use of different molecules that by targeting these proteins within the nutrient signalling pathways modulate the signalling flux and can promote the “good stress” in the cell. The different molecules discussed in the book included rapamycin, metformin, resveratrol and NAD+ precursors. The idea is that you want to be able to promote the stress resistance signalling and to prevent excessive growth signalling that causes more damage. This is thought to mimic calorie restriction.

One molecule discussed in great depth is metformin which you may already be taking because it’s a type 2 diabetes drug. But now metformin is being tested to see if it can treat aging itself. This is being done through the Targeting Aging with MEtformin (TAME) trial that recently started and is trying to examine if metformin can delay the onset of age-related diseases. The problem is that whilst this is a really good step forward, aging currently isn’t recognized as a disease, so if there is a link between metformin and preventing aging you’d have to be prescribed the drug so you’d likely have diabetes melitus.

Nevertheless, you may have access to some of the other molecules discussed. The second one being resveratrol. Resveratrol is thought to prevent the aging process by activating sirtuins and resveratrol can be found in amongst things, grapes, and in red wine. But, to get the same dose of resveratrol as has been used in experimental studies you would have to drink a lot and a lot of wine.

The last set of molecules that from experimental studies seem to slow the aging process are NAD+ precursors, one of which is NMN, otherwise known as nicotinamide mononucleotide. The idea behind NAD+ precursors is to enhance the levels of NAD+ that have been shown to decline as we age. Interestingly, sirtuins require NAD+ to function which further strengthens the support for NAD+ supplements. You can buy NAD+ precursors from different companies and so people are taking them, including David himself and his friends and family. In particular, David’s Dad has noticed several benefits from taking NMN. However, some of the sources of NAD+ precursors can be quite costly and considering they have yet to be scientifically proven to have an impact in humans with regards to slowing the aging process, it may be wise to wait a while longer as research continues. Like resveratrol, NMN can also come from your diet; it’s found in broccoli, cucumber, avocado, tomatoes and edamame, however, as with resveratrol you need to eat a lot and a lot of broccoli to get the dose of NMN that matches what you can take with supplements.

What Does David Do?

David’s regime;

  • 1 gram of NMN
  • 1 gram of resveratrol
  • 1 gram of metformin
  • Takes a daily dose of vitamin D, vitamin K2 and 83 mg of aspirin
  • Given up desserts
  • Tries to skip a meal per day
  • Eats a generally plant-based diet
  • Walks a lot including upstairs and will go to the gym with his son

Disclaimer; David is not a medical doctor, he is a researcher. Whilst he is happy to share his regime he reinforces three key disclaimers;

  1. What he does isn’t necessarily nor even likely what you should do
  2. David does not know if what he does will work for him
  3. There are no treatments for aging that have been through rigorous long-term testing

Exercise More

The second way to prevent aging is to exercise more. The benefits of exercise are thought to act through activating these stress resistance pathways within a cell-like with caloric restriction, but many studies have also shown that exercise can help prevent telomere decline.

Go Outside the Thermal-Neutral Zone

Most of our lives are spent in heated rooms. So, temperatures above and below what our bodies are comfortable with. It’s not entirely clear how going for a walk in the cold can help prevent the aging process yet, but again it’s thought to activate these stress-resistant pathways. So consider taking saunas, working at your desk in a T-shirt, or turn down your radiators.

How to Recover the Lost Information During Aging?

We’ve come a long way in understanding the aging process but there are still some key aspects to the aging process that we are yet to fully understand. To understand what these components are, we can go back to Claude Shannon’s Mathematical Theory of Communication. In Shannon’s theory, three components are required to recover lost information due to the accumulation of noise in analog signaling;

  • an “observer” that recognizes the original signal before noise
  • storage of the “correction data” required to revert the current signal to the original
  • a “correction device” that performs the reversal and removes the noise from the signal to get you back the original signal.

David likes to think that there could be similar biological components that can do this same thing, but with noise accumulation in epigenetic signalling to prevent aging. With this additional understanding it may become possible to reverse the aging process by activating these “correction devices” to recover the information that was lost. Whether this is even possible it is not currently known but if it is, is their just one or several biological components involved in each of these aspects? This is exciting but it may be a while until any therapeutics come into fruition.

Technological Advances

In addition to the advances made in science of aging there has been many

technological advances such as biometric tracking or bio tracking. This is similar to the concept of virtual medical assistants that Eric Topol discusses in his most recent book ‘Deep Medicine’. In a similar way to bio tracking, virtual medical assistants are devices that can track a wide variety of biometrics, many of could be linked with your phone and could inform you on such metrics like how much you slept, how the composition of your blood is doing, what foods you should be taking, for example. It definitely seems to be the way that technology is going and could enable early indications of several diseases so that they can get treated before getting too severe. There’s a lot of information you can even get from just phone usage; how fast you type, what you are typing, what apps you are using. What all this bio tracking technology really reminds me of

is a quote from Yuval Noah Harari’s book ‘Homo Deus’ which is that “the 20th-century medicine was all about healing the sick but now it’s about upgrading the healthy”.


The Plant Paradox by Steven Gundry Summary and Analysis

Book Summary of The Plant Paradox by Steven Gundry

For the audio and video version, click here.

What is the book about?

The Plant Paradox exposes the hidden dangers in plants and animal meat, that are making people fat and sick. The book goes beyond textbook explanations of key substances and ingredients in foods recommended in the standard American diet.

It introduces the highly toxic plant-based protein called lectin, and how it destroys the equilibrium in the gut flora. The bacteria and other organisms live inside the intestines; thereby paving the way for bad bacteria to infiltrate the body.

The aim of the book is to educate people about foods that are commonly regarded as healthy but are actually designed by nature and evolution to harm people that consume them.

What’s alarming is that foods that fall under this category are included in several dietary regimens whose goal is to achieve optimum health and wellness.

This is a book written for people to understand why they’re not losing weight, despite their best efforts. It’s also for patients who are diagnosed with diabetes, cancer, and autoimmune diseases; so that they can better understand the diseases that plague them and find the right solution to reverse their effects.

It’s not written to favor one diet regimen over another, but to illuminate the dangers that lurk in seemingly healthy foods. It’s not a miracle cure that immediately takes effect but a gradual progression that involves learning about one’s body and how it reacts to certain foods. It’s a journey and not a race to the finish line.

Through the plant paradox program, Dr. Gundry hopes to debunk myths, explain the true nature of plants and expose the agricultural and industrial practices that are causing more harm than good. It offers a solution by providing substitute ingredients, teaching detox processes, developing lectin-free recipes and showing how to enjoy plant-based meals.

About the author

Steven R. Gundry, MD, is the director of the International Heart and Lung Institute in Palm Springs, California, and the founder and director of the Center for Restorative Medicine in Palm Springs and Santa Barbara.

After a distinguished surgical career as a professor and chairman of cardiothoracic surgery at Loma Linda University, Dr. Gundry changed his focus to curing modern diseases via dietary changes. He is the bestselling author of The Longevity Paradox, The Plant Paradox, The Plant Paradox Cookbook, The Plant Paradox Quick and Easy, and Dr. Gundry’s Diet Evolution, and has written more than three hundred articles published in peer-reviewed journals on using diet and supplements to eliminate heart disease, diabetes, autoimmune disease, and multiple other diseases.

The Plant Paradox book summary

Summary of The Plant Paradox

The natural world is all about eating and avoiding being eaten. Many psychologists say the survival instinct is the most primal and powerful animal drive. And in order to survive, animals have developed all kinds of defenses including claws, teeth and long fast legs.

Well, plants are no exception, they also want to avoid being eaten. It looks like they’re sitting there helplessly, but they’re not. Plants have also developed many sophisticated defense mechanisms through evolution.

Plants have physical strategies to protect themselves, but also chemical – one of which is lectins. The most well-known lectin is gluten, but gluten is just the tip of the iceberg.

Lectins are proteins, and serve as a protection mechanism of plants towards insects and other plant predators, being produced in the skin as an outside barrier – and concentrated in the all-important seeds which are the next generation of the species.

Italians have traditionally always removed the skin and seeds of the tomato. Whether they knew it or not, they were actually removing most of the lectins.

The same plant toxins that can kill or weaken an insect are also capable of silently destroying your health. Because of our size, the effects of these lectins are subtle, but over the years they can accumulate and cause conditions such as auto-immune disease.

The good news is that these issues can be reversed by first healing your gut, learning which lectins you are personally sensitive to, and avoiding them.

Healthy Lectins

Not all lectins are bad, some are actually healthy. What determines how well you handle certain lectins depends on your ancestry.

The longer your ancestors consumed specific lectins, the more time and opportunity their immune system and microbiome had to develop a tolerance to them.

Our bodies have an elaborate defense system towards lectins. Our saliva, mucus, stomach acid, and microbiome, all contribute to neutralizing and digesting lectins. If all is well with your gut health, lectins should not be successful in getting through your intestinal wall and entering your blood, which is where they can do real damage.

Through molecular mimicry and being almost indistinguishable from other natural proteins in our body, they trick the immune system into attacking our own organs. They also have the ability to act like hormones, sometimes blocking our real hormones.

The book outlines a few major occurrences in the recent history of humans that have introduced problematic lectins into our diets.

Firstly, the agricultural revolution about 10,000 years ago. Up until that point humans had never consumed legumes or grains. Human skeleton remains show that after this period average human height and brain size decreased dramatically, and the first cases of arthritis were noticed.

Our ancestors did have their ways to minimize the negative effects of these foods, such as fermentation, and also as they developed the technology for it, they preferred to remove the outer bran or hull from the grain.
Whole wheat contains a harmful lectin called wheat germ agglutinin, which the refined version does not. This lectin binds to your joints and cornea, among other things.

The second big change was a mutation in northern European cows about 2000 years ago This caused them to create the protein casein A-1 instead of the previous casein A-2. During digestion, it turns into a lectinlike protein called beta-casomorphin. Because this type of cow produced more milk, farmers preferred them, and now they are the standard milk-producing cows.

 Thirdly, new plants from America. Only 500 years ago, Europeans discovered America and brought back new foods to their homelands, foods that they had never consumed before. This includes the nightshade family, many types of beans and legumes, grains, the squash family, and certain types of seeds.

Additionally, new innovations in the last five decades have had a serious negative impact on our gut health and increased our sensitivity to lectins.

Broad-spectrum antibiotics

Although they can be lifesavers for certain extreme conditions, antibiotics have a devastating effect on your microbiome. Using them is like carpet bombing your gut microbes. It can take up to two years from them to return, some may be gone forever.

Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs)

NSAIDs, short for non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, are today very popular to relieve mild pain, fever, and inflammation. These drugs include ibuprofen, naproxen, Celebrex and many others. These NSAIDs were developed in the 1970s and marketed as a safer alternative to aspirin because long-term use of aspirin had been found to damage the stomach lining. The drug companies celebrated finding a new alternative.

These damages the mucosal barrier of the small intestine and the colon, which allows lectins and other particles to pass through the intestinal wall.

Unfortunately, modern humans aren’t so savvy. Instead, if we eat something that doesn’t agree with us or makes us sick, we find or invent something—think Nexium, a stomach-acid reducer, or a drug such as ibuprofen that lessens pain—so we can continue to eat a substance designed to destroy, cause pain in, or at least weaken us.

Stomach-acid blockers (PPIs)

Acid from the stomach naturally acidifies the small intestine, confining most of our gut bacteria to the large intestine. PPIs, however, disrupt this and can cause the overgrowth of bacteria in the small intestine where they don’t belong.

Artificial sweeteners, such as sucralose, saccharin, and aspartame, kill good bacteria and allow overgrowth of the bad ones.

Endocrine disruptors

These are chemicals found in many plastics, cosmetics, preservatives, sunscreens, and cans. They have the ability to prevent proper vitamin D conversion by your liver, which prevents regeneration of the cells in your intestinal wall.

People with the autoimmune disease almost certainly have low levels of vitamin D. One category of these are called phthalates and have the ability to permanently attach to cells, such as thyroid hormone receptors, blocking the real hormone from delivering its message.

A study found that the greatest source of these in America was grains, beef, pork, chicken and milk products.

GMOs and glyphosate

Genetically modified foods have foreign lectins put into them, without properly knowing how they affect humans.

Lastly, the herbicide used on genetically modified foods, glyphosate, is devastating to the microbiome, and which is found in residual amounts on the food it is sprayed on.

Lots of foods contain lectins or lectin-like compounds that are known to cause issues in humans. The book presents a lectin avoidance diet that prohibits these foods.

summary of The Plant Paradox

It should be noted that beans, lentils, and quinoa are OK after you’ve established that you don’t have an issue with them, but they should always be pressure-cooked to minimize the content of lectins.

The food, that your food ate, matters a lot. Many livestock animals these days are fed grain and soy, which is a completely unnatural diet for them, making them unhealthy for human consumption and indirectly causing you to consume the lectins that they consumed.

Lectin-Free Diet Sneak Peek

As a quick “sneak peek” at the Plant Paradox Diet, here’s a quick list of foods to avoid and to eat:

Foods to Avoid (Contain Lectins)

  • Grains including wheat, quinoa, rice, and corn. This includes whole-grain foods.
  • Legumes like beans, soy, lentils, peas (also cashews and peanuts which are actually legumes)
  • Nightshades like tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, sweet or hot peppers, and eggplant
  • Any industrially farmed meat or fish because they’re fed lectin-containing grains

Foods to Eat (Lectin-free)

  • Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kale, and brussels sprouts
  • Leafy greens like spinach and romaine lettuce.
  • Certain oils including olive, perilla, coconut and sesame oil.
  • Nuts: macadamia, walnuts, pecans, etc.
  • Naturally-fed meat. Wild-caught fish, pasture-raised chicken, and grass-fed beef
  • Resistant starch foods like sweet potatoes, yams, and unripened bananas


Like any organism, plants don’t want to be eaten so they have many defense systems. This includes producing lectins designed to hurt insects who try eating them. Dr. Gundry says lectins also cause problems to the human gut and immune system and they are responsible for many chronic health problems modern people face.

The author also recommends supplementing with Vitamin D3, and omega 3 fatty acids DHA and EPA, to help heal your gut.

Even in Dr. Gundry’s practice in sunny California, 80% of his patients are deficient in vitamin D3, yet it’s essential to improving our gut health. It helps us grow enterocyte stem cells which repair our gut wall barrier.

As a rough guide, Dr. Gundry says to take 5000 IUs of Vitamin D3 every day. Many people need more, but it’s best to do that under advice and observation of a doctor.

Although this diet is very restrictive, this is only until you repair your gut, at which point you can start introducing a food item one at a time. This way you can see if you react to any of the specific foods. Often when symptoms of the autoimmune disease return, they will return with a vengeance, making it very clear that you do not tolerate this particular food.

These are all conditions that have been successfully treated with the use of the plant paradox diet protocol, including: Multiple Sclerosis Parkinson’s disease Allergies Asthma Alopecia Arthritis Crohn’s disease Lupus Chronic fatigue syndrome Fibromyalgia Dementia and Irritable bowel syndrome.

Dr. Gundry Recommended Food List:

here’s a quick and rough list of what foods you SHOULD eat to follow a lectin-free diet. Dr. Gundry also published a great food list on his own website.

  • Cruciferous vegetables, as many of them as possible including: Broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, cabbage, bok choy, and kale.
  • Leafy greens, as many as possible including: spinach, romaine lettuce, arugula, etc.
  • Other vegetables including carrots, onions, garlic, celery, radishes, artichokes, asparagus, mushrooms, etc.
  • Herbs like cilantro, basil, parley, and mint.

Also eat a lot of good fats like:

  • Nuts: especially pistachios, walnuts, macadamia nuts, and pecans.
  • Oils: Extra-virgin olive oil, avocado oil, coconut oil, flaxseed oil, sesame seed oil, Thrive algae oil, perilla oil, and MCT oil.
    • Perilla oil: Dr. Gundry is a big fan of this. Very popular in Asian countries like Korea, but virtually unheard of in America. It has one of the highest proportions of Omega-3 fatty acids of any vegetable oil.
    • MCT oil: short for “medium-chain triglycerides,” this oil usually comes from coconut oil and has many proven health benefits.
  • Fish and shellfish, preferably wild-caught. This includes sardines, herring, and salmon. These contain the healthy Omega-3 type of fats in large amounts.

What did you learn from the summary of The Plant Paradox? What was your favorite takeaway? Is there an important insight that we missed? Comment below or tweet to us @storyshots.

The Bulletproof Diet by Dave Asprey Summary and Analysis

The Bulletproof Diet by Dave Asprey Summary, ePub, and Audiobook

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The best way to describe the Bulletproof Diet is that it is packed with fat and vegetables, with some proteins and carbohydrates, and very little starch. But following a bulletproof diet is more than food groups. It’s about how our body uses food and how we can boost our performance. It’s knowing why we should eat fats – the right fats – and how fasting can be good for you if you do it right. This book summary details all this and more. After this summary, you’ll have an understanding of why butter really should go in your coffee and why you should try it out for yourself. You’ll also learn:

  • That some coffees might have molds and toxins
  • That grass-fed meat is the best to eat
  • how eating more fat can mean quicker thinking
Free Summary of The Bulletproof Diet by Dave Asprey on StoryShots

Bulletproof Diet Key Idea #1: Part One

Most of us enjoy our coffee in the morning before beginning our day, but most aren’t away that coffee has antinutrients: compounds that stop your body from absorbing nutrients. These antinutrients can be in seeds, plants, and beans, and might be harmful to our health. Usually, most of us are exposed to a low dosage of these antinutrients daily. They are hard to avoid, as they’re in almost everything we eat but are hard to detect and not visible to the naked eye. Coffee beans are one of the many natural goods that carry this mold toxin. One study of Brazilian coffee beans grown showed over 90 percent of those beans being contaminated with mold before processing. Another study also found that almost half of all brewed coffee contained mold. In fact, mold is such an issue in the coffee business that countries like South Korea and Japan have executed regulations that prevent any coffee to be sold that shows a high amount of toxins. However, the United States and Canada don’t have this limit set yet, so coffees sold in these countries are more likely to be carrying mold toxins. This is an issue because exposure to a high level of mold toxins can result in health problems like cardiomyopathy, cancer, hypertension, kidney disease, or brain damage. This means that we should be paying close attention to the coffee we’re buying. When you buy cheap coffee, it’s not just a lower quality bean– it’s also more likely to have these toxins present. If you’re thinking about switching to decaf – think again! Decaffeinated coffee actually contains more mold because caffeine is an antifungal defense mechanism. It can actually deter mold and other organisms from growing on the bean. So, to avoid exposure to these mold toxins, buy your coffee from a shop that roasts in house, and try to buy only single-origin coffee instead of a blend of different beans.

Bulletproof Diet Key Idea #2: Part two

All of this talk about mold toxins does not mean you need to give up coffee. In fact, if you make your coffee the right way, it’ll help you become bulletproof! Also, caffeine can have some health benefits: it blocks inflammation, regulates insulin sensitivity, and can help in weight loss. And, you can intensify these benefits if you decide to mix in some unsalted, grass-fed butter into your morning cup. But why would anyone want to put butter in their coffee? Well, you’ll get over three times as more antioxidants out of your coffee if you mix in butter instead of milk. Milk actually has a negative effect on polyphenols, which is a good antioxidant found in coffee. All that frothy milk in coffee actually makes the antioxidants less likely to be absorbed. Additionally, butter has butyric acid as an ingredient, which lowers inflammation and repairs your gut. Still skeptical? Well, a study done in a lab on rats found that consuming coffee with a high-fat diet resulted in a decrease in body weight, fat, and liver triglycerides. You might also want to add fats to your coffee to help reach ketosis, which is a metabolic state where your body will burn fat for energy rather than sugar. Most think that reaching ketosis is done by avoiding carbs, but a different method you can use is to add MCT oil, or medium-chain triglyceride oil, to your coffee. This oil comes from coconut or palm oil, with 18 times more medium-chain triglycerides over standard coconut oil. By adding in grass-fed butter and MCT oil, your body will begin to burn fat as an energy source. This was studied through the author’s experiment with his own diet. A day after eating a sushi dinner with two cups of rice, he found his blood ketone level was only at 0.1. Ketosis is indicated by a ketone level of 0.6. However, after a cup of bulletproof coffee, his ketone level was at 0.7 in only 30 minutes. A low-carb diet would take three days to reach this level. MCT oil is so powerful that ketosis can be reached even after eating carbs. Careful though – don’t increase your level too quickly, or it can make you sick.

Bulletproof Diet Key Idea #3: Part three

Being bulletproof also means encouraging the growth of good bacteria in your digestive tract. Your gut biome, which are the microbes in your intestine, are important to your overall health and can be impacted by your diet. Studies done with mice have shown great insight into how our human bodies gain and lose weight. Weight isn’t just determined by calories you eat or burn off – weight is also affected by our gut bacteria. For example, placing gut bacteria from obese mice into thin mice caused them to overeat by ten percent and increase their resistance to insulin. Just like in mice, heavy and thin humans are affected by different gut bacteria. Naturally thin people have more bacteroidetes phylum bacteria. If you want to generate more of these bacteria for yourself, eat foods that contain polyphenols. They’re in bright vegetables, like peppers and carrots. Also, coffee is a rich source of polyphenols, as well as chocolate. Resistant starches like white rice, sweet potatoes, carrots, and pumpkins can also radically change your gut biome. These are called “resistant” because they are harder to digest. Since our bodies can’t break them down, our body consumes them without raising our insulin levels and without affecting our blood sugar level. This also means these foods are more intact when they reach the colon. Studies show that bacteria in the colon thrives on these more intact resistant starches, producing a short-chain fatty acid called butyrate. This fatty acid is fundamental for a healthy gut and brain.

Bulletproof Diet Key Idea #4: Part four

There tends to be a misconception that eating fat will make us gain weight. This is all thanks to a man named Ancel Keys, who, in the 1950s, argued that saturated fat can lead to heart disease. It was revealed that he manipulated his research data in order to prove his theory, but his fallacy is still well believed today. Here’s a way to think of it: a powerful car needs a high-octane fuel in order to reach max speed, because high-octane fuel has more energy in each gallon. This is the same way your body and brain work. For fuel, we need fats like omega-3s, which we can’t produce on our own. Fat is in our brain, cells, and organs. Without high-quality fat, we can’t function. Fat is also formed by myelin, which is used by our nerves to allow electricity to flow efficiently. You will think quicker with the more myelin that you have, as your nerves will be able to transmit messages faster. You’ll also burn fat more efficiently and create healthier cell membranes with the right fats. So then, what fats are the right fats? Mary Enig, a nutritionist, developed two methods to understand fat. The first way is to look at the length of the fat molecule. If it’s shorter, then it’s rarer and more anti-inflammatory. For this reason, the Bulletproof Diet suggests that we consume more of these short and medium-length fats, like the ones found in MCT oil. The second way to look at fat is to measure its stability. Saturated fats are considered more stable because they oxidize more slowly – there is less space in the fat molecule for oxygen to enter. Oxidation is behind inflammation and aging. To avoid this, stick with Bulletproof oils and fats such as MCT oil, ghee, cocoa butter, avocado oil, coconut oil, and grass-fed butter.

Bulletproof Diet Key Idea #5: Part five

Just like with fats, proteins can also affect your body in different ways – especially your immune system, muscle gain, and inflammation. Protein is so important because it helps us keep our muscle mass and sustain bone density. In fact, we need protein so much, that our body has powerful mechanisms to stop us from eating too much or too little. But protein can be complex; people assume all protein is good for you, which saturates the food industry with low-quality proteins like gluten and soy. When studying nutrients in high- and low-quality meat, meat from a grain-fed animal was so low in omega-3 fats, it didn’t even qualify as a significant dietary source! So, grass-fed, organic meat is the best way to ensure you’re getting the right nutrients. It also has fewer toxins, more omega-3, and trace minerals and vitamins. Look for fat that’s more yellow, which means more nutrients. Also, you shouldn’t just think that organic meat is just as good as grass-fed meat. Organic grain-fed meat is still better for you than conventional meat, but that meat can still have mold toxins and hormones that can be a factor causing obesity. Having too much protein can lead to inflammation, as it’s more difficult to digest it than it is carbs or fats. Protein is harder to turn into glucose – the fuel for energy. This is also why we crave sweet food – our liver needs glucose to process protein. On the bulletproof diet, proteins include fish with low amounts of mercury (haddock, anchovies, sardines, and trout), grass-fed meat, pastured eggs, collagen, and pure whey concentrate.

Bulletproof Diet Key Idea #6: Part six

Becoming bulletproof also means avoiding foods that can harm your body. This means staying away from kryptonite foods, such as white sugar or processed meat. They have little nutritional benefit and lead to excess fat and sluggishness. Processed or chemically altered foods won’t satisfy hunger, and instead, make you want to eat more.  It’s because these foods lack macronutrients, which are carbs, proteins, or fat. Processed foods taste good because of chemicals – not because of the food itself. MSG, or Monosodium glutamate, is the most common additive to processed foods. It was made in Japan during World War Two to improve food taste – even to hide a spoiled taste. MSG can make cells to send a signal that makes them overexcited. This sends a signal to your brain that your cells need even more energy, triggering a headache, mood swing, or deep craving for more sweet things. Giving in to this craving for sweets only harms your body more. In fact, sugar triggers the same pleasure center in the brain as cocaine. Too much sugar decreases your dopamine receptors, making it more difficult to feel energy or pleasure when dopamine is actually released. This is the same thing that happens to all addicts! Most of us understand a “sugar crash,” but can’t explain how it happens. This crash doesn’t just lower focus and energy, but it affects blood sugar, too. Eating sugar raises your blood pressure until the point where your boy needs to pump insulin to release it. One of the best things you can do now for your health is to end this cycle and eliminate sugar from your diet altogether.

Bulletproof Diet Key Idea #7: Part seven

You can’t fear hunger to become bulletproof. Fasting can be very helpful if it’s done in a healthy way. There are a few strategies for fasting effectively. Traditionally, intermittent fasting meant to eat all your food during a shorter timeframe during the day, typically all within six to eight hours. Recently, it’s become more popular, and with good reason: intermittent fasting can help increase fat loss, avoid cancer, and build muscles. Alternate-day fasting, which is a form of intermittent fasting, is also proven to support the prevention of chronic diseases, reduce triglycerides, and improve markers such as LDL cholesterol. The downside of this type of fasting is that it entails skipping breakfast and to abstain from all eating until after 2:00 p.m., which can be tough for someone who has to work. The Bulletproof Diet author sought another way to fast and developed the Bulletproof Intermittent Fasting. In this method, you begin in the morning with a bulletproof coffee and don’t eat again until the afternoon. How does this work? The fats in bulletproof coffee are satiating. They also triple the effect of a physiological mechanism called mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), which escalates protein synthesis in muscles and helps them to expand. As we’ve mentioned, the Bulletproof Coffee diet also triggers ketosis, even if you’ve eaten carbs the day prior. On ketones, you have better focus and higher energy, due to steady levels of blood sugar. If you want to add to your morning coffee with butter, the best idea is a combination of protein and fat, such as poached eggs or smoked salmon and avocado. Combining fat and protein stops food cravings by providing your body with energy break proteins down into essential amino acids.

Bulletproof Diet Key Idea #8: Part eight

Having a bulletproof lifestyle isn’t all about your diet, of course. It’s also important to include exercise although not all exercise is the right kind. For example, being good at sports doesn’t necessarily mean someone is healthy. Some athletes can drop after marathons! Extreme cardio for extended periods of time can actually strain the heart and damage muscles. However, tame cardio such as walking or bike riding doesn’t provide enough challenge to be the most effective form. When done right, exercise can be immensely beneficial. Exercise truly should be succinct, intense, purposeful, and safe. This is the best way to maximizing the benefits of exercise. Weight training can be one of the best forms of exercise if you stay under 20 minutes and perform the actions until muscle fatigue. For example, try the seated row or chest press nonstop until exhaustion, instead of reps. With more muscle comes less fatigue, disease, and toxins. Instead of just running or cycling, try high-intensity interval training instead: run as fast as you can for half a minute, then rest for a minute. Repeat this for an intense, effective 15-minute workout. High-intensity training will also cause your body to produce the anti-aging hormone HGH, which keeps your body looking young. This hormone is best produced under intense interval training. However, doing more exercise isn’t always better for you, either. Over-exercising can also be harmful. You must give your body time to recover and rebuild muscle after exercise. It’s good to rest at least two days after an intense interval workout or weightlifting sessions – four to seven days is recommended. Last, if you have less experience with free weights, use machines first, because you risk less injury while still being able to push yourself to fatigue.

Bulletproof Diet Key Idea #9: Part nine

In addition to eating and exercising, sleep is the last important factor to becoming bulletproof. Getting good sleep improves your ability for cognitive tasks by 50 percent! Sleep can also improve skin quality, optimize insulin secretion, advances athletic performance, and promotes healthy cell division. You don’t need an incredibly long night of sleep either to reap the benefits. Studies reveal that healthy adults need around six and a half hours of sleep a night. Sleep is crucial to the Bulletproof Diet because of the link between sleep and what we eat. When your healthy and bulletproof, you’ll find you can sleep less and still feel all the benefits of a good night’s rest. If you want to improve the quality of your sleep, eat fat at dinner. Try animal fat or put olive or coconut oil on your food. Fat is fuel for your mind and body, so you’ll have a stable stream of energy to satisfy late-night cravings. Also, try having your fish oil or krill oil at night for the omega-3 fatty acids. Studies show that fish oil can helps create serotonin, the neurotransmitter that stimulates feelings of happiness and reduces stress hormones that interfere with sleep. Also, eating a tablespoon of raw honey can also help your sleep quality.

Bulletproof Diet Key Idea #10: In Summary

The key message: The Bulletproof Diet is more than losing weight. It’s about increasing energy and focus as well. If you eat the right fats and proteins, perform high-intensity workouts, fast intermittently and sleep well, your body and mind will feel good, and you’ll look good, too! 

Actionable advice: Get yourself ready for sleep each night. For the best sleep, avoid bright lights, violent movies, and exercise two hours before bed. Have the right mental state before bed, and you’ll get more rest.

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Super Human Summary & Review | Dave Asprey

Super Human by Dave Asprey [Book Summary + Audiobook and ePub]

Book Summary of Super Human: The Bulletproof Plan to Age Backward and Maybe Even Live Forever by Dave Asprey

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What Is the Book About?

Super Human has a lot of tips in it to maximize your health, reverse aging, and stay young. In this book, Dave Asprey puts together his thinking on how we can improve our longevity. It is basically put into three parts:

– Part 1: Don’t Die – This is where he describes the four main killers – Heart Disease, Alzheimer’s, Diabetes and Cancer. He discussed his 7 pillars of ageing and discusses food sleep and light.

– Part 2: Age Backwards – This is where he discusses several ideas around Brain health, Heavy metals, Ozone, Fertility, Teeth and Biome

– Part 3: Heal like a Deity – He finishes off by talking about the latest research around Stem Cells and supplements for skin. The last chapter is all about Performance Enhancing Drugs and this is where there is lots of controversy in what he says.

Each part has easy to read chapters and it finishes with a summary he calls- Bottom Line. This outlines the key recommendations and Hacks. The recommendations are for supplements, Strategies (e.g. lighting, sleep) or devices. There is a comprehensive set of notes citing his references.

About the Author

Dave Asprey is a Silicon Valley tech entrepreneur, a professional biohacker, the New York Times bestselling author of Game Changers, Head Strong and The Bulletproof Diet, the creator of Bulletproof Coffee, and the host of Bulletproof Radio, the Webby Award-winning, number one–ranked podcast. He lives in Victoria, British Columbia.

Super Human Summary by Dave Asprey

Summary of Super Human

In his late twenties, author Dave Asprey began to suffer from the countless signs of aging, so he sought to feel and look younger as each birthday passed. For more than twenty years, Asprey researched how to find ways to improve his body, mind, and spirit from science-backed therapies to maintaining proper diet and exercise. Now in his forties, Asprey is healthier, smarter, and more fit than he’s ever been before. While the average person believes middle-age begins our body’s decline, Asprey’s research reveals that aging is simply optional. Using simple interventions like diet, sleep, light, and exercise in addition to more powerful hacks like stem cell and hormone therapy, you can decelerate the signs of aging and unleash the power of your body’s ability to heal and rejuvenate from the inside out.

As a self-proclaimed guinea pig, Doug Asprey recounts his journey and proven methods that work to stop aging. He believes that getting older no longer means a decline in your body’s function, in fact, it’s possible to reverse the signs of aging and become what he considers, Super Human.

Mitochondria and The Four Killers

Before you begin your journey on becoming superhuman, you should first understand how the body works. You’re familiar that as you age your daily habits and genetics can lead to one of the four killers: heart diseases, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and cancer. The four killers, unfortunately, lead to death. All four are produced by damage to your cells which have accumulated over your lifetime; however, Asprey argues that these four killers can be avoided by treating our bodies right and understanding how aging works on a cellular level, regardless of your genes and predisposing conditions.

Aging is related to the mitochondria, which are tiny bacteria inside our cells that extract energy from the food we digest and power our energy production. As we age, our mitochondria function begins to steadily decline and causes an increase in reactive oxygen species known as free radicals. An increase in free radicals leads to chronic inflammation which makes us more susceptible to suffering from one of the four killers, like heart disease.

When it comes to heart disease, inflammation is one of the main causes. You see, when the tissue that lines the inside of your arteries becomes damaged, the body allows fats in the blood to reach the wall in our arteries, forming plaques. This process triggers an immune response in which cytokines are released, but the bad part? Cytokines are inflammatory and cause those plaques to rupture and form blood clots. Of course, blood clots then lead to stroke and heart attacks.

Luckily, there is a way to reduce the number of free radicals in our bodies. So, if you’re looking to remain young, you should increase the number of antioxidants you consume to eliminate free radicals. Good sources include berries, dark chocolate, coffee, tea, herbs, and spices. Additionally, many cities offer antioxidant therapy via IV to help curb the free radicals in your body. Of course, it will take more work than just consuming more antioxidants through your diet or therapy; furthermore, you’ll need to create new habits that will stop aging from the inside out.

“The biggest game changer here is eating foods that boost the efficiency of your mitochondria so they can make more energy and your body has the raw goods it needs to manufacture all the proteins, hormones, and fatty acids they require to function.”

How to Eat To Avoid Disease and Aging

While eating foods rich in antioxidants will certainly help you eliminate the free radicals in your body, you’ll need to further transform your diet to become superhuman and stop the aging process. First, avoid grains like wheat and gluten. Wheat produces gastrointestinal distress, or inflammation, which contributes to many autoimmune diseases. Additionally, wheat produces an excess of zonulin in our bodies which causes undigested food, bacteria, and toxins to enter our bloodstream. These bacterial toxins are called LPSs and they cause inflammation throughout the entire body.

Even worse, many of our grains are sprayed with the herbicide Roundup, which contains glyphosate. Glyphosate has many negative effects, but most importantly, it triggers inflammation and increases the aging process. In the United States, it is usual for produce to be sprayed with Roundup in addition to grains. Therefore, glyphosate is present in most products that are made from corn, grains, meat, and many animal products including milk and cheese. To avoid glyphosate, avoid eating grains and buy organic products.

Next, avoiding a vegan diet is essential for staying young. In the long run, vegan diets are only detrimental to our health. Simply put, switching from animal fats to plant fats affects our thyroid function and over time, your metabolism will begin to slow. Slow metabolism leads to weight gain, but even worse, it slows down your energy, your brain, and everything else. However, the type of meat you consume is equally important.

For instance, charred or deep-fried meat will increase your risk of heart disease and should be avoided. Additionally, you should avoid industrially-raised animals that are treated with antibiotics. When shopping, you should look for proteins from grass-fed animals and wild fish. Furthermore, you should not only be eating fat but eating the right fats. We need fats for a myriad of reasons including reproductive health, brain function, temperature regulation, and shock absorption. Eating poly-unsaturated omega-3 fats is essential for anti-inflammatory and anti-aging benefits. You can find the best omega-3 fats in cold-water fish like mackerel and salmon as well as in walnuts and olive oil.

On the other hand, omega-6 fats are highly inflammatory and should not be consumed in excess. Some common sources of omega-6s include poultry and refined oils like canola, corn, sunflower, soybean, and vegetable oils which will increase our risks of many health issues. Instead, use an alternative like coconut and olive oils for cooking and making salad dressings.


The Benefits of Producing Ketones

Watching what you eat is important, but you can increase your likelihood of becoming superhuman by regulating when you eat as well. To obtain the energy your brain needs to function, your body burns food to use as fuel. That food is typically glucose, but your body can also use chemical compounds called ketones. Your body goes into a state of ketosis when there isn’t much blood sugar available to burn, so it becomes forced to break down its stores of fat for energy.

At the end of every fasting cycle, your body naturally produces ketones. This usually occurs in the morning as people have typically gone 7-8 hours of not eating. However, most people don’t fast long enough to take full advantage of ketosis. By extending your daily fast, you can reduce your inflammation levels, triglyceride levels, and cancer risk. Many people adopt intermittent fasting in their routine which means restricting your eating to a six to eight hour period each day. There are many benefits to fasting including a boost to your brain’s neuroplasticity, your brain’s ability to grow and adapt. But perhaps one of the best benefits is an increase in metabolites, substances that help boost antioxidant levels in your body.

While ketones burn more efficiently than glucose, keeping your body in ketosis can lead to insulin resistance. Therefore, it’s important to practice ketosis intermittently and maintain your metabolic flexibility which enables you to burn both glucose and ketones.

To achieve cyclical ketosis, you should cycle in and out of ketosis periodically, ideally every week. The key is to eat a high-fat diet and limit yourself to eating 150 grams of low-sugar carbs just one or two days a week. You’ll also want to add “energy fats” such as the author’s Bulletproof Brain Octane Oil, an oil made of up fatty acids that introduce ketones into your body even in the presence of carbs.

The Importance of Sleep and Light Exposure

You hear the consequences of not getting enough sleep all the time, but it’s true, a lack of good sleep directly increases your risk of dying from one of the four killers. Quality sleep not only helps prevent cognitive decline but also promotes skin health and controls insulin secretion which reduces your risk of diabetes. So what’s the ideal amount of sleep? Well, anything less than six hours causes an imbalance of hormones and increases the amyloid proteins in your brain, which are directly associated with Alzheimer’s. Additionally, conditions like sleep apnea, which are caused by dysfunctional mitochondria, increase your risk of diabetes, obesity, and high blood pressure. So, how can you sleep better?

The first step is to avoid blue lights. With the amount of time we spend looking at our smartphones, laptops, and television screens, we are subjecting ourselves to more harm than we realize. Blue light suppresses your ability to produce melatonin, the hormone that signals your brain that it’s time to sleep. As we continue looking at screens, our bodies think it’s daytime all the time. Additionally, blue light creates excess free radicals in our eye cells which damage our eyesight over time and even triggers a spike in glucose levels which can lead to high blood sugar and diabetes.

While these risks may seem scary, there are ways to reduce your exposure to blue light without isolating yourself from the modern world. Two hours before bed, turn off all your screens. Use blackout curtains and switch to amber or red bulbs at night, or simply dim your existing lights with a dimmer switch. You can also use blue blocker glasses and utilize night mode on your smartphone to filter the white light from your screen. Being exposed to artificial light 24/7 is just as harmful as looking at our phones all day, so step outside and try to get twenty minutes of sunlight each day to balance your exposure to artificial lights.

Next, exposing yourself to red or infrared lights through light therapy can help you restore, repair, and protect damaged, old tissue. Red light therapy activates stem cells while also improving mitochondrial function, which increases the amount of energy your mitochondria produce. Additionally, red light therapy increases levels of nitric oxide which increases your body’s circulation and ensures that the cells in your body are nourished with blood, oxygen, and nutrients. Lastly, this light therapy can also help treat muscle fatigue and injuries.

There are a few ways to access red/infrared light therapy, you can either see a doctor who specializes in light therapy or you can try an infrared sauna to help detoxify your body and improve your mitochondrial function.


Reverse Aging By Removing Toxic Metals

Did you know that our bodies are filled with toxic metals? Metals like arsenic, cadmium, lead, and mercury are all present in the foods we eat. Additionally, metals such as aluminum, thallium, nickel, and even uranium appear frequently in our bodies in high concentrations. Having an excess of metals in our bodies can become toxic and prevent our bodies from functioning at the optimal level. For instance, an excess amount of lead hardens our arteries and increases our blood pressure which can lead to heart disease and stroke.

So how do these metals become present in our bodies? Thallium is everywhere in U.S. soil and fuel which means we consume thallium when we eat vegetables like kale and cabbage. Mercury is found in fish from the ocean, and while we need fish for omega-3 fats, eating too much fish can cause excess mercury in our bodies. Mercury can also be present in fillings that you get from the dentist as well as the fluorescent bulbs used in many public places. Mercury causes high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, and neurotoxicity so learning how to detox your body of harmful metals is important for preventing premature aging and staying healthy.

The first detox method is through consuming glutathione, one of the body’s most powerful antioxidants. With the ability to protect your body from heavy metal damage, glutathione also keeps mercury from entering cells, boosts immunity, reinforces your mitochondria, and contributes to optimal brain function. But glutathione isn’t the only powerful antioxidant, in fact, vitamin C is perhaps the wold’s best-known antioxidant. Vitamin C raises antioxidant levels in red blood cells by recycling used glutathiones and helps detox the body of lead.

Next, consuming activated charcoal in capsule form allows your body to detox from metals through a process called binding. When charcoal is consumed, it binds to chemicals in the body which have a positive charge. Naturally, your body will dispose of these chemicals after the charcoal attaches to them. For instance, when you eat foods that contain cadmium, nickel, copper, and lead, activated charcoal binds to these toxic metals before they have the opportunity to adhere to your cells. However, because charcoal binds to many substances, it will also bind to prescriptions and vitamins; therefore, activated charcoal should only be consumed an hour or more before other medications and supplements.

“fine-grade charcoal is twice as effective as normal grade. In fact, finer particles are proved to bind to the most carcinogenic substance known to man, the mold toxin aflatoxin.27 I take these capsules almost every day on an empty stomach as part of my overall anti-aging strategy and as a way to continuously detox from chemicals, pesticides, and some heavy metals.”

In addition to taking supplements to detox your body of harmful metals, sweating also helps you get rid of heavy metals. Sweating through exercise is the preferred method of detox because it also helps break down fat tissue that heavy metals are stored in. High-intensity interval training (HIIT), which involves intense bursts of exercise followed by periods of rest, is recommended one to two times per week to boost fat break down. Be sure to allow your body to recover a few days in between your HIIT workouts.

“If you have lots of mercury fillings, there is a 100 percent chance you will not perform at your potential or live as long as possible.”

Improve Your Hormone Levels

Western society has been trying to solve the “hormone problem” for years. In fact, Kellogg and Graham invented cornflakes as a way to curb masturbation and suppress the male libido. While the cereal itself hasn’t solved any problems, the prevalence of low-fat grains in today’s Western diet has likely contributed to a decline in testosterone across the country. Additionally, as we age our body produces fewer pre-hormones which convert into testosterone, estrogen, and progesterone. In other words, our diets and aging greatly contribute to a hormonal imbalance that causes aging, weight gain, poor sleep, and even sexual dysfunction.

Post-menopausal women experience a decline in hormones like estrogen. Estrogen is important for preventing cancer, bone loss, and heart disease which is why it’s important for both men and women to have healthy amounts of this hormone in their bodies. In addition to estrogen, the presence of testosterone helps both men and women burn fat, build muscle, and maintain a healthy sex drive. When testosterone levels are too low, people can begin to experience osteoporosis, mild cognitive impairment, Alzheimer’s, and even heart attacks. So how can you maintain proper hormone levels to prevent some of these major killers?

One way to get your hormones back on track is through hormone replacement therapy or HRT. Unlike synthetic hormones, bioidentical hormones are preferable because they are molecularly identical to your own body’s hormones. While bioidentical hormones are preferred, they, unfortunately, don’t receive as much funding for research as synthetic hormones. This simply means that synthetic hormones are more readily available, so if you decide to undergo any form of HRT, it’s best to do so under the supervision of a specialist.

If hormone replacement therapy isn’t available for you, you can try to regain control of your hormones at home through diet and exercise. For instance, your body uses cholesterol to produce all your sex hormones. This is why it’s important to avoid low-fat, low-cholesterol diets. Studies show that men who eat cholesterol, monounsaturated fat, and saturated fats have higher levels of testosterone versus men who follow a low-fat diet. On the other hand, foods high in carbohydrates deplete your hormones, specifically testosterone. You can naturally boost your testosterone by eating the right fats, getting enough vitamin D, and by taking a high-quality vitamin D3 supplement.

In addition to diet, you should also be aware of the types of products you use at home. For instance, popular shampoos, conditioners, deodorants, lotions, shaving creams, and many other personal care products contain chemicals that disrupt our hormones and interfere with how our hormones function. The worst offenders are phthalates and parabens. By avoiding products with these chemicals, you can help control your hormones and get them back on track.

Finally, proper exercise should also be implemented to maintain healthy hormone levels. In addition to strength training sessions, high-intensity interval training (HIIT) is most effective when increasing testosterone and human growth hormone (HGH) levels in both men and women.

Stay Young With Stem Cell Treatments

Stem cell research began as early as the 1980s, but because it was deemed unethical for many reasons, the practice was halted. However, scientists would soon discover the power of stem cells. Stem cells have the ability to maintain and repair tissues, so when you suffer an injury, stem cells help heal the damaged tissue. But as you age, your stem cell reserve becomes depleted and your remaining cells become less efficient. Therefore, people who wish to stop the aging process believe stem cell treatment is critical for longevity.

Of course, stem cell treatments don’t come cheap. In an operation that currently costs thousands of dollars, professionals can harvest the stem cells that are concentrated in your body’s bone marrow and subcutaneous fat. By extracting the stem cells and re-injecting them into your body, you can reduce inflammation and begin healing from the inside out. Asprey underwent his first stem cell treatment in 2015 when his doctor injected stem cells into his shoulder and upper back, areas which he injured as a teenager. Additionally, he also had stem cells injected into his face to boost collagen as well as into his reproductive organs to increase blood flow and nerve endings. According to Asprey, the procedure was worth the investment as he saw an overall improvement in his health and quality of sleep.

Once, Asprey’s mother fell and suffered injuries from cutting her face with her glasses. Asprey decided to help his mother by gifting her with a stem cell treatment to treat her injuries. Miraculously, what once was a giant scar on his mother’s face was now a barely visible mark. Of course, this type of treatment is not widely available throughout the United States which is why you may have never heard of it before. Regulations in the country are incredibly strict, but while it may not be readily available for everyone to undergo such treatments, it is legal to freeze your own stem cells to use for a later date. By freezing them at a younger age, you preserve your young stem cells and can use them to remain youthful as you age.

Heal Your Skin and Hair

Suffering from gray hair, balding, and wrinkles is a natural part of aging, but you can prevent these natural signs through proper treatment. Who doesn’t want to look young forever? The best part is many of these treatments start from the inside out and don’t require anything too invasive.

As you get older, collagen production slows down, which leads to many signs of aging including fine lines and wrinkles. Collagen is the most abundant protein in your body and acts as a building block for your teeth, bones, muscles, skin, and all other connective tissues; therefore, it’s more efficient to work from the inside out. In other words, buying those expensive eye creams won’t help much when you’re ignoring the collagen inside your body. By supplementing collagen with grass-fed or pastured collagen protein powder, about 10 grams a day, you can help your skin look younger, reduce joint pain, boost cartilage density, and decrease spinal pain.

Additionally, cryotherapy can increase collagen production and protect the collagen that you have. By exposing your skin to steep temperature drops, you can increase the production of antioxidants that fight the free radicals that age your skin. By getting cryo facials, you can boost collagen production and give yourself a more youthful appearance. If professional therapies are out of the budget, simply taking more cold showers can help too. Exposure to cold temperatures stimulates mitochondria and circulation in your skin. Shower your face and neck with the coldest water coming out of your shower for one minute. While uncomfortable at first, your body will get used to it after just three days because your mitochondria will adapt and produce more heat and energy.

In addition to boosting collagen, your diet can help combat wrinkles as well. By consuming foods that are high in antioxidants and polyphenols like vegetables, dark chocolate, and coffee, you can fight the signs of aging. In fact, one of the body’s most potent antioxidants, catalase, helps fight the graying of your hair. Catalase breaks down hydrogen peroxide into oxygen and water which affects the production of melanin in your hair follicles that give your hair its color. The more catalase, the more melanin in your hair. On the other hand, the less melanin you have, the less color you retain which leads to graying hair. You can eat catalase-rich foods like celery, cucumbers, broccoli, and radishes or increase catalase production by taking antioxidants like ashwagandha, vitamin E, curcumin, and saw palmetto.

Perhaps you suffer from balding in addition to graying hair, if that’s the case, then you should look into shampoos that block DHT. DHT is a sex hormone that causes hair follicles to shrink, which ultimately leads to baldness. DHT-blocking shampoos are preferable to pharmaceutical drugs because of their lack of side effects. Hair loss is also linked to stress which can be managed by exercise and meditation, or it can be a result of hormonal imbalance. By having a doctor take a look at your T3 and RT3 thyroid hormones, you can begin to regain control of your body and your hair loss.



The secret to staying young forever is understanding your mitochondria and making lifestyle choices that help increase their production and efficiency. Through proper diet, exercise, supplements, and therapies, you can find what works for you and begin aging backward. Not only that, you can even reverse cellular damage, remove toxic metals, and balance your hormones which all contribute to the aging process. Begin by practicing a cyclical ketogenic diet and intermittent fasting, track your hormone levels, and implement proper diet and exercise to improve your overall quality of life. Eventually, you’ll not only feel younger, but you’ll look younger as well!

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The Secret to Aging in Reverse Revealed by Harvard Professor | David Sinclair.–OLWHPkEUzq_Z94RQDAfDnhLcz8NglBV5nbMB5-Do4wGCI4OytgMkgvonsqpaMbqDLeg1K54sBSMWCT8MjRVK6j26mtw&utm_content=87864164&utm_source=hs_automation–OLWHPkEUzq_Z94RQDAfDnhLcz8NglBV5nbMB5-Do4wGCI4OytgMkgvonsqpaMbqDLeg1K54sBSMWCT8MjRVK6j26mtw&utm_content=87864164&utm_source=hs_automation


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